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1. I go to school on foot .(就划线部分提问)

_____     _____    you go to school?

2. Did John go fishing yesterday afternoon ? (作否定回答)

No,                   .

3. She has two short arms .(改为否定句)

She _____    _____    two short arms.

4. These are some apples. (写出其一般疑问句)

_______ there  ______  apples ?

5. My father is watching TV . (就划线部分提问)

_______ your father _______  ?


(1)Last holiday, I took a big trip with my aunt. We went to Australia by plane. It was in August. We left Beijing on Aug 3rd. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing, it was summer. I like there, because I like playing with snow. I went ice-skating there and took many pictures. I bought many presents for my friends, too. I was excited, but I was tired, too. I should relax to go back to school.

(  )1. Whom did I go on a big trip with?  A. My parents.  B. My aunt.

(  )2. When was my last trip?    A. It was in summer.    B. It was in winter.

(  )3. How did I go there?       A. I went by subway.    B. I went by plane.

(  )4. How did I feel in the end ? A.I was excited, but so tired. B.I was bored.

(  )5. I ______like my trip.        A didn’t   B /   C not

(2) Weekend  It’s nine o’clock in the morning, the family is at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks! ” Where’s Jim? Oh, He’s behind the door. Kate, Jim’s sister, is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.

(   )1. There are       people in the family. A. three  B.four  C.five  D.six


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