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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了六年级英语下册期末测试题,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!


(    )1. A. windy        B. cloud         C. sunny        D. snowy

(    )2. A. yesterday    B. last weekend  C. next weekend D. last year

(    )3. A. nose         B. head          C. hear         D.tooth

(    )4. A. angry        B. sad           C.happy         D. play

(    )5. A.watched       B.last           C. went         D. studied

(    )6. A.watch         B. what          C. where        D. who

(    )7. A. window       B. door          C.fatter        D.desk

(    )8.A. often        B. usually       C.aways         D.tomato

(    )9. A. thinner      B. hotter        C. bigger       D. smaller

(    )10.plant           B、 bus          C、subway       D、plane


A.        B.             C.              D.             E.

(    ) 1. I went to Beijing and ate good food there.

(    ) 2. He went swimming last Saturday.

(    ) 3. Sarah went to Shenyang yesterday and she went skiing there.

(    ) 4. Amy rowed a boat last week.

(    ) 5. I bought presents for my mom.

A.            B.           C.          D.             E.

(    ) 1. My father usually goes to bed at 10.

(    ) 2. It’s 9:30. It’s time for math class.

(    ) 3. My English teacher is tall and thin. She’s very kind.

(    ) 4. I usually read books on the weekend.

(    ) 5. My pen pal likes riding a bike.


(    ) 1. I'm _____than you.

A. thinner      B. thiner      C. thin

(    ) 2.My father       English now.

A reads  B.reading  C.is reading  D.read

(    ) 3. What ______you do last weekend?

A. do      B. does     C. did

(    ) 4. Did you ___________?

A. going fishing   B. went fishing   C. go fishing

(   )5.______ your mother like?

A.What's         B. Who’s        C. Where's

(   )6. What did you ________for breakfast this morning?

A. has        B. have        C. had

(   )7. The pears are _______ for us.

A. salty   B. tasty      C.good

(   )8. I have _______ green apple.

A. some         B. a         C. an

(   )9. Does she often _______ housework on Sundays?

A. did           B. does          C. do

(   )10.Sarah  ________ up late this morning.

A. gets       B. got           C. get

(   )11. There _______ some meat on plate.

A. is      B. aren’t          C. are

(    )12.Would you like      rice,please?

A.any  B.some  C.many  D.a

(    )13.She often goes       school       seven.

A.to;at  B.to;to  C.in;to  D.at;at

(    )14.Some of them like       books.

A.looking at  B.reading C.watching   D.seeing

(    )15.I      a yellow dress.She       a white dress.

A.have;have  B.have;has  C.has;has  D.has;have


(    )1)你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:

A.Let’s go fishing this weekend.

B.Let’s go hiking this weekend.

C.Let’s go ice-skating this weekend.

(    )2)当别人跟你说:May I borrow(借) your dictionary?你回答说:

A.OK,here you are.   B.Fine.    C.I don’think so.

(    )3)当你想了解某个物品的颜色时,你可以问:

A.What’s this?    B.What colour is it?  C.What’s your name?

(    )4)当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:

A.I’sorry.      B.Hi.      C.Excuse  me.

(    )5)当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:

A.You too.    B.The same.  C.Thank you.

五.手拉手,找朋友  从方框中找答语并把序号填在题前括号内。


Mum: Tom! Tom! It's time to get up.

Tom: _______________________?

Mum: It's about 8:00.

Tom: What? Is it 8:00 now? ________________. I am late.

Mum: Oh, Tom. Don't hurry. ____________________.

Tom: I can't have breakfast. There's no time. I must go now. I'm late.

Mum: _____________________?

Tom: For school. Classes begin at 8:00, not at 8:30.

Mum: Well, __________________? Please tell me.

Tom: It's ... It's Sunday! (Tom and his mother are laughing)

A.What day is today?    B.What are you late for?

C.I must get up.  D. What's the time?

E. Just sit down and have breakfast.


American children like K Day. K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day, many children take their kites to go out. Some kites are small and others are very big. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string. The children run and the kites are in the air. How nice they look!


(  )1.-Who likes K Day very much?

-______ .

A.Children    B.Teachers    C.Parents

(  )2.K Day in America is on ______.

A.March 6    B.May 1       C.March 7

(  )3.The kites have different ______.

A.colours     B.size         C.colours and size

(  )4.The kites fly in ______.

A.the air      B.the tree      C.the house

(  )5.We know that ______.

A.children in China like K Day very much

B.all children go out in K Day

C.on K Day many kites are in the air

八.读读写写 根据汉语提示,用正确的单词或词组完成句子。

1.  The yellow monkey is _____________ (更大的) than the brown one.

2. ----What did Mike do yesterday?

----He _________________________ (去郊游).

3. They usually take a __________ (旅游) on the ____________ (假期).

4. We can __________ (吃) good ____________(食物) in H.K.

5.I can see many          (人,人们)in the park.


1)does,your,do,uncle,what (?)


2)breakfast   for   would   what   like   you   (?)


3)yesterday, did, swimming, you, go (?)







提示:运用你所学的英语知识写一个人,例如:My teacher,My mother,My friend,My classmate,等等,题目自拟


My _____________

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