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10. I dreamed I ran in the Beijing 2008 Olympics last night

6.  I was very happy when the shoots appeared .


1. A: Where would you like to go on holiday , Janet ?

B: I’d like to go to Wellington . What about you , Xiaoling ?

A: I’d like to Sydney . I hope I can see the kangaroos .

Question: What city would Xiaoling like to go on holiday ?

2. A: Was your father a famous footballer when he was young, Ben ?

B: Yes, he was . But he became a doctor in 1998.

A:My father is a doctor , too . He became a doctor in 1989 .

Question: When did Ben’s father become a doctor ?

3. A: Do you like swimming , Jiamin ?

B: Yes , I do . What about you , Yongxian ?

A: I like swimming , too.

Question: Does Yongxian like swimming ?

4. A: What’s Sally’s favourite sport ?

B: Badminton .

A:Oh. But her sister like playing table tennis .

Question: What ‘s Sally’a sister’s favourite sport ?

5. A: What books do like reading , Tom ?

B: Story books . Do you like reading story books , Jim ?

A: No. I like reading the Chinese Fables .

Question: What books does Jim like reading ?


When Michael Jordan (迈克尔.乔丹)was young , he was very small . He was in the basketball team . He was much shorter than other players . He couldn’t jump very high , but he worked very at jumping higher and higher . When his basketball team practiced , he always came early and he always left last . Every day , he played basketball with his neighours. They didn’t think about the weather . Thay even (甚至) played in the rain , in the wind and in the cold . Because playing basketball was a part of Michael Jordan’s life .On June 12th , 1991, Michael Jordan won the first champion.(冠军). After that he became famous and rich。

威廉希尔app 提供的六年级英语下册期末检测卷 ,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!





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