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(    )16.A:  ________ you busy yeaterday ?

B: No , I _________

A. Were, was           B. Were, weren’t         C. Were, wasn’t


1.( Ann is at the library now .)

A: Hello.

B: Hello. Can I            you?

A: Yes. May I __________ a book about famous people ?

B: Let me see .Ah, here it is .

A: Here’s my library card. How long may I            it?

B: Two weeks.

A: OK. By the way , can I keep the book a little       __ ?

B: Yes. But you must ________ and renew it.

A:Thank you.  Goodbye!

B: Bye .

2.(Pingping lost .She couldn’t find the way to the hotel .)

A: Excuse me. Could you tell me ________ to get to Dongfang Hotel, please ?

B: Yes. _______ straight ahead . Then _______ the first left. The hotel is on the right.

3.(Jiamin and Yongxian are on the phone .)

J: Hello .  ________ I speak to Yongxian ?

Y: _________ is Yongxian speaking . _________ that, please ?

J: It’s Jiamin here . I called you this morning . But you ________ at home .

Y: Sorry . I _________ at the park this morning .

十一、阅读短文,判断对错。对的写“T”, 否则请写“F”。(5分)

It is English exam today .Before the exam, Miss Li said to her class ,” This is a very important exam , if anyone of you doesn’t pass , which is less than 60 points, then you won’t go to the next grade .” And then she handed out all of the exam papers and went back to her desk to wait . Now Xiaohui was so worried because he never studied well for the exam . Suddenly he had an idea . After an hour , the exam was over . All the students handed the exam papers in . After checking the papers , Miss Li noticed one of the pupils had put a ¥100 note together with his exam paper and with a note saying “One yuan for one point .”

After three days , all the pupils got back their exam papers ,and Xiaohui got back his exam paper and ¥41change .


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