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(   ) 7. What are they?

(   ) 8. What’s this?

(   ) 9. What colour is your new sweater?

(   ) 10. Have you got a pencil?

A. It’s blue               B. Yes, she does.

C. They’re monkeys.       D. I play football in spring.

E. Yes, he has.            F. No, I haven’t.

G. It’s a lion              H. It’s under the desk.

I. Yes, I do.

J. I have PE and Music in the afternoon.


(   ) 1. 你想知道你面前的东西是什么,你应该这样问:

A. What this?       B. What that?

C. What’s this?

(   ) 2. 你想告诉Sam, Amy喜欢足球,你应该这样说:

A. I like football     B. He likes football.

C. She likes football

(   ) 3. 你想问Sam 星期一是否上学,你应该这样说:

A. Do you go to work on Mondays?

B. Does Sam go to school on Mondays?

C. Does Sam go to school on Sundays?

(   ) 4. 你想问玲玲早上上什么课,你应该这样问:

A. What does Lingling do in the morning?

B. What does Lingling have in the morning?

C. What does Lingling do in the afternoon?

(   ) 5. 你想问Sam是否有一件新毛线衫,你应该这样问:

A. Have you got a new coat?

B. Has Sam got a new sweater?

C. Has Sam got a new dress?


I’m Lingling. I’m tall. I’m nine years old. I like basketball. I don’t like football. I like rice and fish.

I have Chinese and Maths in the morning. I have English, Art and Music in the afternoon. I ride my bike on Saturdays.

My favourite season is summer. It’s sunny and hot. I have got a nice dress. I go swimming in summer. I like ice-cream(冰激凌).

(   ) 1. Lingling likes football.

(   ) 2. Lingling has Chinese and English in the morning.

(   ) 3. Lingling rides her bike on Sundays.

(   ) 4. Lingling’s favourite season is summer.

(   ) 5. Lingling goes fishing in summer.

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