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(    )1. m_tter        A. a      B. u      C.e

(    )2. s_nny        A. u      B. o      C.a

(    )3. sp_ _n        A.or      B.oo     C.ar

(    )4. st_ dy         A.o      B. u      C.a

(    )5. sp_ _k        A.ea      B. ar     C.ra


(    )1.   A.cloudy         B. rainy          C.snow

(    )2.   A. coat           B. work          C.shirt

(    )3.   A.reporter         B.actor         C.sing

(    )4.   A.driver          B. train         C.bus

(    )5.   A.lazy           B. shy          C.play


(    )1.send a massage              A. 写信

(    )2.a bowl of noodles            B. 摆放餐具

(    )3.write a letter                C. 登上月球

(    )4.set the table                 D.一碗面

(    )5.land on the moon            E.发送信息


(   )1.--What’s the weather like today?


A. It’s windy       B. On Monday       C. It’s  a  sun

(   )2.---Can I help you?


A. Thank you.    B. Yes,please.I want a pen.  C.You’re welcome.

(   )3.He is a______.He works in a hospital.

A. teacher       B. doctor         C.farmer

(   )4.Tom often______basketball after school.

A. play     B. plays       C. playing

(   )5.—______do you think of her? —She is clever.

A.Why    B. When      C. What

(   )6.Look _____the picture ____the park.

A. at , in      B. of , at       C. at , of

(   )7. ______is the man?

A. Who      B. What     C. Whose

(   )8.I______part in the class reading meeting last Saturday.

A. take      B.took       C.teeks

(   )9.Sanya is in the______of Chain.

A.east     B. west       C. south

(   )10.—Can you dance?.


A. Yes,I don’t     B. No,I can’t    C.having


(   )1.当你想跟李珊通话时,你应该说:

A. May I speak to Li Shan,please?   B. Are you Li Shan?

(   )2.妈妈问你的理想是什么,应该说:

A.I’m sorry to hear that.   B.What’s your dream?.

(   )3.当你同意某人的看法时,你要说:

A.I think so.         B. Thank you!

(   )4.如果你是一位大夫,患者来看病时你应该说:

A.What's wrong with you?  B. What do you like?

(   )5.你是一位售货员,当有顾客来买东西时,你应该说:

A. What do you want?     B.What can I do for you?


(  )1.Where is Beijing?                A. No,it didn’t.

(  )2.What are you going to talk about?     B. It's ten yuan.

(  )3.Did your dream come true?         C. She is an actor.

(  )4.How much is a pen?            D. We are going to talk about our dream.

(  )5.What is your aunt ?        E. It’s in the north of China.


1.hobby , your , is , what,


2.I’d , two, tea, cups , like, of


3. to, time, play, it’s , the, violin


4.going, are, where, you.


5.good, time, a , I, had



Little Johnny is a good boy. He studies very hard. He enjoys swimming, singing and playing football. He often watches football on TV. He wants to be a football player in the future. His father likes watching football matches,too. Playing football is their favourite.

(    )1.Little Johnny is a good girl.

(    )2.Little Johnny doesn't like singing songs.

(    )3.Little Johnny often watches football matches on TV.

(    )4.His father enjoys watching football, too.

(    )5.Their favourite is playing basketball.

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