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1. ---- __________ does it taste? ---- It’s nice.

A. What

B. How

C. Which

D. Who

2. The _________ book tells Kitty about the first people on earth.

A. Chinese

B. history

C. English

D. physics

3. The shop window is _________

A. open

B. openly

C. opened

D. Close

4. Look, it’s raining_________

A. hardly

B. heavily

C. quickly

D. Slowly

5. It’s time_________ go back _________ home now..

A. for…to

B. to…to

C. to…for

D. to…/

6. It’s time for class. Let’s go_________

A. quickly

B. quick

C. slow

D. Slowly

7. The chicken wings taste_________

A. well

B. nice

C. slow

D. Wonderfully

8. I always tell my friend _________ my secrets.

A. with

B. on

C. to

D. about

9. It’s time for class. We must stop_________

A. talk

B. to talk

C. talking

D. Telling

10. Would you like_________ me know it_________ fax?.

A. to let…with

B. to let…by

C. let…with

D. let …by

11. He’s never visited France, ________ he ?

A. is

B. isn’t

C. has

D. hasn’t

12. Many teenagers find ________ interesting to play ball games.

A. that

B. it

C. them

D. this

13.----Look, it’s going to rain.----Really ? ______ , I don’t take a raincoat with me.

A. I’m afraid not

B. I hope not.

C. Good idea

D. I hope so.

14. It was too noisy, ______ we couldn’t hear _____ he said at the meeting.

A. so, that

B. so, what

C. that, what

D. to, that

15. There is only _______ water in the bottle.

A. a bit

B. a little of

C. a bit of

D. a few

16.---- Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other ?---- If you keep still(不动的), you can sit at ________ end.

A. neither

B. each

C. either

D. any

17.Mary ________ show us her new dictionary .

A. has asked to

B. was asked to

C. is asked

D. asks to

18.During the summer holidays , he was made ______ two hours a day.

A. to swim

B. swim

C. swimming

D. swum

19.---- Lily, nice to see you ! ______ to England ?---- Yes. And I will come back in a week.

A. Have you gone

B. Are you going

C. Have you been

D. Did you go

20.----Are you learning music now in your free time ?----No. I’ve stopped ______ Chinese medicine instead.

A. to learn

B. learning

C. learn

D. studying

21.You can play _____the clean dog after class.


B. in

C. at

22.Is your mother ______Huizhou? Yes, she is.


B. goes to

C. visiting

23.Where _____you this morning? I _____at a meeting.

A.were, was

B.are, am

C.do, am

24.Her brother is a policeman. He works in a _____

A.post office

B.police station


25.What’s the weather like today? It’s________




26.Were you _____ Canada during the summer holiday?


B. on

C. at

27.Are you ______a good time ?



C. having

28.What do you have _____lunch?


B. for


29.Tom and Mary have bread and milk___the morning.


B. on

C. at

30.Does it ____in Guangzhou?

A. raining








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