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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了六年级英语下册期末测试题,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!


一、 写出下面单词(44)

更高的            更小的           更瘦的            更长的

更重的              更年轻的                 更年老的

更大的                更壮的                更短的

多高                  多重                  多大尺码

上周末                       待在家里                    睡觉

洗衣服                               打扫卫生

渴茶                    昨天                  看电视

读书                   看电影                 感冒

骑马                      钓鱼                   腿受伤

野营               看  买礼物       去旅游      骑自行车

照相                          吃新鲜的食物       下周

游泳                        摔倒                  远离

两年前                   草地                   体育馆

饭厅                   去骑自行车                 滑冰

打羽毛球                 查阅                 前天


low ___________      strong __________      smart _________

heavy ___________  sunny ___________       sad ___________

small ___________      big ___________       thin ___________

fast                  good/well               many/much____________


eat              buy                ride              take

go               want              look              fall

can              will              hurt             happen

play             do         go        want             wash

read            is           are            make           have

sleep            stay           see        watch           drink

think               like           run             wake


(1)-_____________ are you?                 -I’m 46 kilograms.

(2)-_____________ can dance?               -Sarah.

(3)-_____________ does your mother do?      -She is a factory worker.

(4)-_____________ dress do you like best?      -The red one.

(5)-_____________ are you going?            -I’m going to the bookstore.

(6)-_____________ pants are these?           -They’re your father’s

(7)-_____________ students are there in your class?   -There are 45.

(8)-_____________ is your new skirt?            -It’s 98 yuan.

(9)-_____________ will you have your maths test? -Next Thursday.

(10)-_____________ do you look so sad?      -Because I can’t find my watch.


(1)The students are __________________(play) basketball now.

(2)They __________________(visit) their grandparents last weekend.

(3)There __________________(be) a bed, a chair and two tables in my room.

(4)-Did you __________________(wash) the clothes last night?

-No, I didn’t.

(5)I __________________(do) my homework yesterday evening.

(6)My mother usually __________________(read) books in her free time.

(7)I’m __________________( heavy) than you now.

(8)She __________________(go) to Beijing by train last Sunday.

(9)Tim is my new pen pal. He __________________(study) Chinese hard.

(10)There __________________(be) no tall buildings in my town three years ago.



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