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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了六年级下册英语期末测试卷,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!



1. (  ) sl_pt(睡觉)             A.e   B.o   C.a    D.i

2. (  ) badm_nton(羽毛球)      A.o   B.e   C.i    D.a

3. (  )be__ch(沙滩)           A.e   B.O  C.i    D.a

4. (  ) su_way(地铁)            A.e   B.i   C.b   D.d

5. (  ) tom_rrow(明天)         A.a   B.e   C.u    D.o


1.have a farewell party ____________      2.听音乐

3.ice_skate                            4.弹钢琴

5.hurt his foot____________________      6.前天

7. keep in touch                         8.别迟到

9.dining hall               10.从星期一到星期五_________________


1. buy(同音词)_________     2.right(反义词)

3.September(缩写)              4.uncle(对应词)

5.swim(过去式)_____________   6.big(最高级)        ____

7.I’d(完全形式)____________    8. first(基数词)      _______

9. story(复数)_____________    10. run(现在分词)        ____


(   )1. ______ did you do on your holiday?---- I went to the park.

A.Where   B.What   C.When  D.How

(   )2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted?    A. 150cm     B. 160cm     C. 170cm   D.150m

(   )3.I'm 5 ________  older than you.

A. years    B. cm       C.year   D.kg

(   )4.----_______did you go on your holiday?----Shanghai.

A. What   B. Where   C. How   D.When

(   )5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday?

A. take    B. took     C. taking   D.to take

(    )  6. It’s  looks ______moon.

A.like   B.likes     C.at  D.liking

(    )7. I____ fresh food in XingJiang last Sunday .

A.eat    B.ate      C.eating  D.eated

(    )8 .I want to be__________     English teacher.

A.the        B.a     C.am      D.an

(      ) 9. How big are your _______?— I wear size 23

A.foot      B.feet    C.small   D.hand

(    )10.There _________no computers or Internet in my time.

A. is    B.was  C.were   D.are

(    ) 11. Amy is going to _______  her homework tomorrow.

A. does    B.doing     C.do   D.did

(    ) 12. Look! I am ______  my bedroom .

A.clean       B.cleand       C.cleaning  D.cleanes

(    ) 13.He played football  ________   Sunday morning.

A. for      B. to      C.on    D.at

(    ) 14.He  is _______than  his father.

A. young       B.younger     C.youg  D.older

(    ) 15.He usually _______  to work by car.

A.went       B.go     C.goes    D.to go


1. My sister can _______( ride )a horse.

2. I like__________(play) football.

3. February is the__________(two) month of  a year.

4. My father often_________(wtch) Tv in the evening.

5. There ________(be) a pen and two pencils on the desk.


(   )1.How was your weekend?            A. I’m going to see a film .

(   )2.What did you do last night?            B.I watched TV.

(   )3.Did he have music class yesterday ?      C .It was great .

(   )4.How tall are you ?                      D .No ,he didn’t .

(   )5.What are you going to do next weekend ?   E .I’m 1.61 metres .


1.  do,  to,  school,  how,   you,  come  (? )

2. know,  you,  do,  that , how (?)

3.  couldn’t , ride ,  my ,   I. , well,  bike (. )

4.one , to,  going, I,  am , visit ,day . moon. the (. )

5. Saturday .  feel.  off   bike.  my.  last.  I (. )


1. She is  going  to fly kites.(写出同义句)


2. I  have math class at 9:00.(用He 做主语)


3. He did his homework yesterday.(改为否定句)


4.My father is taking pictures now.(用yesterday改写)


5.Xiao ming goes to school by bike.(划线部分提问)


九、 Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确的答案) ( 10分)

Miss White is a teacher. She teaches math. She is very responsible (负责) and she loves all the students. Usually she gets up at 6:20 in the morning. But this morning she gets up at 5:40, because she is on duty (值日)today. First, she gets ready for classes at home, then she goes to school at 6:50. At 7:00, she comes back to school. Then she eats breakfast in the canteen. At 7:20, she stands at the gate (大门) of school and wait for her students to come back school.


(    ) 1. When does Miss White usually get up in the morning?

A. At 6:20.        B. At 5:40.       C. At 6:30.

(    ) 2. Why does Miss White get up at 5:40 this morning?

A. Because she loves all the students.

B. Because she is on duty today.

C. Because she gets ready for classes.

(    ) 3. Where does she eat breakfast?

A. At home.      B. In the kitchen   C. In the school canteen.

(    ) 4. What does Miss White do?

A. She is a music teacher.      B. She is an English teacher.

C. She is a math teacher.

(    ) 5. Does she get ready for classes this morning?

A. Yes, she is.    B. Yes, she does.   C. No, she doesn’t.

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