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1. They’re having an English lesson. (改为否定句 )

They ___________ _____________ an English lesson.

2. The doctors and nurses are in the hospital. (对画线部分提问)

___________ __________the doctors and nurses?

3. Tom usually goes shopping on Sundays.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ Tom usually _______ shopping on Sundays?

4. It’s Friday today. (对画线部分提问)________ _________ is it today?

5. wants, take, to, He, to, photos, some (连词成句)


6. Were they in your bag just now?(作否定回答) _________, they _________.

六、完成对话 (5分)

A: Where’s my camera?

B: ____________________.

A: Let me see. No! It isn’t here.

B: ___________________________ Where is it now?

A: Is it in your bag?

B: Let me see. Oh, yes, it is.

A: _______________________

B: _______________________

A: Can I have them, please?

B: Oh, no! They aren’t in my bag._______________________

A. Where are the films?

B. It was there a moment ago.

C. It’s in your bag.

D. They were here just now.

E. They’re in my bag.


1. --你的眼镜在哪?--在台灯后面。--现在不在那。--刚才在那的。--哦,我找到了。瞧, 他们在桌子底下。

---Where are your ? ---They’re the lamp.

---Theythere now. ---They there .

---Oh, I find them now. Look!the desk..

2. ---吉姆,你在干什么?---我在找我的耳机。我想听音乐。 ---在你的卧室的书桌上。

--- What are you doing, Jim?

--- I’m ________ _______ my earphones. I _______ to _______to music.

--- _________ on the desk in your ____________.



Come and see my sitting room, please. There are a lot of things in it. Look!This is a pair of glasses. They’re on the chair now. They’re my grandpa’s. That’s my father’s mobile phone, it’s on the sofa now, but it was in his bag just now. And the CD Walkman beside the mobile phone is very beautiful. My mother likes it very much. Because(因为)she likes listening to music. There are some CDs beside it. Oh, where’s my diary? Ah, it’s on the floor now. I must go and pick it up .


( )1. This is a bedroom.

( )2. My grandmother’s glasses are on the chair.

( )3. The mobile phone is in the bag now.

( )4. There is a CD Walkman . My mother likes it very much.

( )5. My diary is on the floor. I should pick it up.


It is the 8th of September. Lily is very excited because it is her ten-year-old birthday. She’ll have a birthday party at home. Look! She is now in a new blouse. She looks so pretty today. There is a big birthday cake on the table. Many of her friends are coming. There are lots of birthday presents on the sofa. Ann gives her some American stamps and French stamps. They are very beautiful. Yang Ling gives her a rubber. It’s a triangle. Look at that red purse. It’s from nancy. How nice! Lily likes her presents very much!

( )1. When’s Lily’s birthday?

A. It’s in August. B. It’s on the 8th of September.

C. It’s on the 10th of July.

( )2. How does Lily feel today?

A. She feels very excited. B. She feels very hungry. C. She feels very tired.

( )3. Where does she have her birthday party?

A. At school.B. At home.C. In the classroom.

( )4. What does Ann give Lily as her birthday present?

A. Some American stamps. B. Some French stamps. C. A and B.

( )5. What shape is the rubber?

A. It’s a triangle. B. It’s a star.C. It’s a circle.


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