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( ) 1. Where does she work?

( ) 2. Does she teach math?

( ) 3.What’s your hobby?

( ) 4. How do you go home?

( ) 5.What does he do?

五.A.阅读短文,判断对错。对的写“T”,错的写 “F”。( 10分)

I’m Lucy. I live in the country. My mother is a nurse. My father is an engineer. He works in a car factory. They work in the city, but it’s not far from here. They go to work by car every day. My father likes driving to work, because it’s very fast. My parents are going to take a trip with me this weekend. We are going to Guangzhou by car. We have a good time.

( ) 1. Lucy’s mother works in a city.

( ) 2. Lucy’s father is a car designer.

( ) 3. Lucy’s father doesn’t like driving to work.

( ) 4. The car factory is near the Lucy’s home.

( ) 5. Lucy’s parents are going to Guangzhou next weekend.

B . 阅读短文选择正确答案。(10分)

I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina. She is thirteen. She is from Australia. She lives in the country. She is tall and strong. She likes playing chess, basketball and computer games. Basketball is her favorite sports. She plays after school every day. Usually she goes to school by bike. She will go by car when he gets up late.

( )1、Who’s Tina?

A. She is my pen pal. B. She’s my classmate.

( )2、 Where is she from?

A. America B. Australia

( )3、What does she do after school?

A. She plays chess. B. She plays basketball.

( )4、What is Tina like?

A. Strong and tall. B. Quiet and tall.

( )5、Does Tina usually go to school by bike?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she goes by car.


Hi, I am… I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I am….

On Sunday I am….

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