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( ) 1. There are _____shops in the picture.

A. lot B. lots C. lots of D. a lot

( ) 2. Have you got _____stamps from Canada?

A. any B. a C. some D. many ( ) 3. How big it ?

A. am B. are C. is D.be ( ) 4. Do you want to Chinatwon?

A. go B. going C.goes D. to go

( ) 5.---______ is New York? ---It’s in the east of America.

A. what B. where C. when D. why

( ) 6.____you speak English? No, I can’t .

A. Can B. Do C. Are D. Does

( ) 7.Sam has got a pet dog___ he often plays with it.

A. but B. and C. or D. so

( ) 8 .Beijing ____ got about fourteen million people.

A. is B .has C. have D. does

( ) 9.___is my hobby.

A. Read B. Reading C. Reads D. Reads ( ) 10. What a big map America?

A. of B . on C . to D. is

( ) 11.I want you to my pen friends.

A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )12.I like football, and .

A. read swimming B. read swim

C. reading swimming D. reading swim ( )13.We say thank you our food,family and friends.

A. to B. for C. of D. from

( )14. That nice.

A. sound B. sounding C. sounds ( )15. I can .

A. dance B. dancing C. dancer D. to dance


( )1.How long is the Great Wall? A. Sometimes.

( ) 2.What are you doing ? B. It’s about 6700 kilometres. ( )3.Do you miss China? C. I’m sending an email .

( )4.Can I write to you ? D. You ‘re welcome.

( )5.Thank you . E. Yes ,of course


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