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1、is (过去式)___________ 2、write (现在分词)_____________

3、can’t (完全形式)___________ 4、will not (缩写形式)____________

5、buy (过去式) ____________ 6、do (第三人称单数) _____________

7、play (第三人称单数) ___________ 8、swim (现在分词) ____________

9、I (复数) ___________ 10、they (宾格) ______________

11、her (名词性物主代词)_____________ 12、you (形容词性物主代词)________


1、There are some famous _________ (woman / people ) on them.

2、___________( Ride / Riding ) bikes is my hobby.

3、These ________( is / are ) stamps from __________( Canada / Canadian ).

4、Do you often ________( clean / cleaning / cleaned ) your bedroom? Yes, I _____.

5、Have you got any _____________( America / American ) stamps? No, I haven’t.

6、Sam ________( have / has ) got some English stamps.

7、What do you do _______( in / on / at ) Thanksgiving Day?

8、He often ________( play / plays / playing ) football after school.

9、I can __________( see / saw / seeing ) lots of animals.

10、There _______ (is / isn’t / are / aren’t ) any water in the bottle.

11、We are going to ________( visit / visiting / visited ) the British Museum.

12、I _______( take / took / taking ) some photos of the Great Wall yesterday.

13、Look! The girls ____________( are dance / dancing / are dancing ) in the room now.

14、Will you ________( cook / cooking / cooked ) tomorrow? No, I ______.


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