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1. 我妈妈的生日在6月4日。My mother’s birthday is on the ________ of ________. 2. —你的眼镜在哪里?—它们在我的包旁边。—Where are your ________? —They are ________ my bag. 3. —你上个周末在农场做什么?—我品尝了一些桔子。—What________ you do on the farm ? —I ________ some oranges. 4.本总是问许多关于动物的问题。Ben always ________many________ about animals. 5. 那是谁的手机?是我的。__________ mobile phone is that? It’s _________. 6. 请记得把笔记本带给我。Please the notebook .


1. The teapot is my mother’s. ( 对划线部分提问) ¬¬__________ __________ the teapot? 2. They opened their presents after lunch. (改为否定句) They _________ _________ their presents after lunch. 3. These are our combs. ( 改为同义句) These ________ are _________. 4. This mirror is from Grandpa. (对划线部分提问) __________ is the mirror _________? 5. I visited my friends last Spring Festival. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you ________ your friends last Spring Festival? 七、圈出错误并改正,至少有一处。(5分) 1. Please try to remember the name for the thing. 2. Whose are the presents from? 3. They all are very good students. 4. My mother is doing hers houseworks. 5.He often ask our help him study Maths.


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