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(  ) 2.

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Part Ⅱ Writing(笔试部分) 70%


一. Write down the missing words (仔细观察,按字母表顺序填写字母,注意大小写形式) 7%

1. B     D      2. x     z       3.     v

4.     F      5. p

二. Read and choose.(看图,圈出正确的答案) 4%

(  ) 1. A. watches TV           (  ) 2. A. teaches P.E.

B. reads books               B. teaches math

(  ) 3. A. play ping-pong          (  ) 4. A. diving

B. play football               B. riding a bike

三. Find the different one. (找出不同类的选项填在括号里) 6%

(  ) 1. A. morning    B. evening     C. afternoon    D. Tuesday

(  ) 2. A. play football   B. make kites   C. collect stamps  D. clean the room

(  ) 3. A. park      B. museum     C. teacher     D. school

(  ) 4. A. go to bed    B. go to work    C. go to school   D. study

(  ) 5. A. English     B. Chinese    C. Beijing     D. P.E.


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