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一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。 (10分)

(   )1. A. library     B. bookstore     C. bookshop  D. shoestore

(   )2. A. east     B. eat                 C. west      D. next

(   )3. A. buy     B. book              C. bank      D. by

(   )4. A. get on   B. get off      C. get to     D. want

(   )5. A. left          B. next              C. right     D. straight

二、 根据录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来。(10分)

(   )1. A. You’re welcome.  B. OK. Thank you.  C. And then?.

(   )2. A. It’s east of the cinema.  B. It’s far.  C. Take the No.5 bus.

(   )3. A .You can go on foot.  B. I can go by car.  C It’s behind the bus stop.

(   )4. A. It’s on the first traffic lights. B. No, it’s not far. C. It’s next to the bank.

(   )5. A .Yes, there is.      B .Yes, it is.         C. No, there is.


1.    1. (  )                  2. (  )

.A .         B.                 A.         B.

3. (    )                             4. (     )

A        B

5.(  )



(    ) 1._______ is the shoe store ? It’s in front of the museum.

A. Which     B. What    C. How    D. Where

(  ) 2. Is there a cinema near here?

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is.  C. No, there is. D. Yes, there isn’t.

(    ) 3.Go straight for two minutes. Then ________ left.

A. go      B. turn        C. on      D.  let

(    ) 4. Please come to my ______ birthday party at 6 pm on Sunday.

A. two      B. twelve     C. twelfth    D. five

(    ) 5. If you want to buy some books, you can go to the ______.

A. book shop          B. shoe shop         C. post office

(    ) 6 . Turn right ________ the school, then go ________.

A. of, straight         B. at, straight         C. in, straight

(    ) 7. Excuse me, where is the library? It’s ________ the cinema.

A. next      B. next to           C. at

(    ) 8. Now let ______ tell you how to come.

A. my    B. his    C. me

(    ) 9.The museum is west    the bookstore.

A. at   B. of   C. in

(    ) 10. Walk straight _______ five minutes.

A. in       B. to        C. for

由威廉希尔app 带给大家的2014年六年级上学期英语第一单元测试卷就到这里了,愿您在学习上能更上一层楼。


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