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4  He’s going to go to school(   ) bus..   A  by  B in   C on

5 Yang Liwei went in a spaceship(  ) made a video..

A so  B and   C but

6 We are going to  (   )  Geography.

A  studied   Bstudy    C  to study

7 (   ) the matter?

A Who’s  BWhat’s  C Where’s

8 My parents often tell me(   ) your family..

A  for   Babout  C  from

9 (   ) was he born?He was born in China

A Where   B When  C  What

10 There is a letter(   ) you。A  for   Bwith  C  to

11  This cap (   ) good. A  look  B looks  C  looking

12  Why are you(    ) ?.A laugh  Blaughing  C to laugh

13 Piease take the cake out(    ) three thirty.. A on   B in   C at  14 I hope you are(   ) a good time. A have  Bhaving  C  has

15 His grandma live to(   )90. A is     Bwas  C be

16 Can I help you?     .. .

A .I’m ill  B.I lost my dog  C. I want a hot dog.

17(   ) is it?It’s 5 yuan. . A How many Bhow much C How old

18 My uncle can (   ) Chinese. . A speak  B say  C  tell

19 He ‘s starting to cross,(   ) a car is coming..

A and  Bbut  C  or

20(    )are you wearing a coat?  Because it’s going to rain., .      A. Why  B. What  C . How

五 句型转换

1 She was  born  in  2003.(划线提问)

2 The shoes are  under the bed。.(划线提问)


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