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一、 Listen and choose. 听音辩词。

1.①playground ②restaurant ③school

2.①duck ②kangaroo ③koala

3.①sell ②lift ③send

4.①postcard ②language ③Australia

5.①because ②why ③before

二、 Listen and tick.听音选句子。

1. A 图片:超市 B 公园

2.A 水果 B糖果

3. A 重的 B轻的

4.A 万圣节 B复活节

三、 Listen and tick. 听音选句子。

①_____ ②_____ ③_____ ④_____ ⑤_____

A. There are many ducks now.

B. There is a playground now.

C. There were many fruits in the supermarket.

D. There was only a slide before.

E. There wasn’t a pond here before.

四、 Choose the best answer.选择题。

1. What is Halloween? _____

A .It’s a spring festival. B. It’s a summer festival

C. It’s an autumn festival.

2. Children wear _____clothes on Halloween.

A. beautiful B. scary C. big

3. There are many Easter eggs and Easter hats on _____

A. Easter B. Halloween C. Christmas

4. This one is ____.I can’t lift it.

A. long B. heavy C. different

5.—Why do you like _____?

—Because I like Australian animals.

A. Australia B. China C. America

6. —I’m going to go to England.


A. They scare the people. B.I am going to go, too.

7.—What do you ______?

—I want a CD.

A. like B. want C. go

8. I will send you a ____from England.

A. postcard B. country C. duck

五、 Read and choose.读一读,选一选。

1.Are there ducks on the hats?

A. Yes, there are. B. No. there aren’t.

B. 2.When is Easter?

A. It is in spring. B. It is in autumn.

B. 3.外研版小学六年级下册英语期中考试卷:Why do you love Australia?

A. Because I love kangaroos and koalas. B. Because I love pandas. 4. What do you want?

A.I want a big apple. B. I want an egg.

5.Where are you going to go to ?

A. I’m going to go to America. B. I’m going to go to China.

六、 Reorder the words to make sentences.造句。

1. Does / look /London /different /now/?

Does London look different now?

2. wasn’t /pond /There / a /before/


3. are / many/ There/ fruits.


1. do /Australia/like/you/why/?


2. We’ll/postcard/China/from/send/you/


七、 Read an tick.读一读,勾一勾。





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