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(   )1.  A.  young                  B.strong

(   )2.  A.  black                  B.weak

(   )3.  A.  good                   B.bad

(   )4.  A.  were                   B.where

(   )5.  A.  happy                  B.grey

(   ) 6.  A.  fat                    B.at

(   ) 7.  A.a  raincoat              B.a  pot plant

(   ) 8.  A.an umbrella              B.an  apple

(   ) 9.  A.boy                      B.toy

(   ) 10. A.book  shop               B.flower  shop


(   )11.I am a teacher.               B.I am a student.

(   )12.Chengdu  is  small.           B.Chengdu  was  small.

(   )13.Her hair is long.             B.Her hair is short.

(   )14.Were you strong?              B.Are you strong?

(   )15.My face is  smooth.           B.My face was wrinkled.

(   )16.Let me try it.                B.Let’s  try  it.

(   )17.Where do we buy chicken?      B.Where do we buy biscuits?

(   )18.The mangoes was four yuan.    B.The mangoes was forty yuan.

(   )19.It is sunny.                  B.It is raining.

(   )20.There are many donkeys.       B.There are not many donkeys.


(   )21.新起点小学六年级下册英语期中试卷:Yes,there  are.            B.Yes,there  were.

(   )22.In a clothes shop.            B.In  a book  shop.

(   )23.Yes,I am .                    B.No.I wasn’t.

(   )24.I’m fine.                    B.I’m  Mary.

(   )25.He  is  young.                B.She  is  young.



(   )26.     A.smooth           B.wrinkled

(   ) 27.     A.young             B.old

(   ) 28.     A.weak              B.strong

(   ) 29.   A.happy              B.sad

(   ) 30.   A.thin                B.fat

(   )31. A.umbrella            B.raincoat

(   )32.  A.socks           B.boots

(   )33. A.jeans                  B.trousers

(   )34.   A.a fruit basket           B.a  basket

(   )35. A.rainy                      B.sunny


(   )36.My mother ___slim as a young boy.

A.is              B. was

(   )37.My legs ___strong.Now they are weak.

A.are             B.were

(   )38.You should____to see my friend.

A. go             B.going

(   )39.He___a time-machine.

A. have           B.has

(   )40.You___happy yesterday.

A.am              B.were

(   )41.She is talking___her mother.

A.to                     B.for

(   )42.There            some   shops.

A.are                    B.is

(   )43.It’s           umbrella.

A.an                     B.a

(   )44.Is  there         raincoats?

A.some                   B.any

(   )45.It      sunny.

A.is                     B.are


(  )46.Where do  we buy chicken?   A.Yes,but be careful.

(   )47.How much is an umbrella?     B.In a supermarket.

(   )48.Let me try it.               C.Yes,please.

(   )49.What is she doing?           D.It is 20 yuan.

(   )50.Can I help you?              E.She is running.


am    is     are      was     were

I      thin  as  a  young  girl.

There        many  cars  before.

The  air          clean.

I         a  student.

The  biscuits        10 yuan  now.


s      (苗条的)

57.       (仅仅、只有)

f      (四十)

59.bui       (楼房)

60.d      (脏的)


Our  English  teacher  is  Chinese .She  is  a  girl.  I  can  spell  her  name  G--A--O  Gao,H--U--I, Hui. She  is  Miss  Gao. She  is  double  twelve.

Look! This  is  a   picture  of  Miss  Gao's  family.  Who  is  the  old  man?He  is   Miss  Gao's  father . Who  is  the  old  woman ?  She  is  Miss  Gao's  mother . How  old  is  Miss  Gao's  mother ? Oh! It's  a  secret .The  girl   is  Miss  Gao.


(    )1. Gao  Hui  is         .

A. Miss  Gao        B. Mrs   Gao        C.Mr   Gao

(    )2. Gao  Hui's  mother  is         .

A. Miss  Gao        B. Mrs   Gao        C.Mr   Gao

(    )3. ---How  old  is  Miss  Gao?----She   is       .

A.10                B.12                C.24

(    )4. ---How  old  is  Mrs  Gao?----       .

A. I don't  know.   B.Double  twelve    C.60

(    )5. The  wrong  one (错误的那个) is         .

A.Our  English  teacher  is  old.

B.Mr  Gao  is  Miss  Gao's  father.

C.I'm  Miss Gao's  student.





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