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一、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中所包含的单词或词组。

(   )1、A. failed        B. feel         (   )2、A. tired           B.bored

(   )3、A. younger      B. stronger     (   )4、A. sang            B. saw

(   )5、A.washed       B. wash

二、 听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。


(   )1、A.How did you go to Xinjiang?         B.Where did you go on your holiday?

(   )2、A. No, he doesn’t.                B. No, he didn’t.

(   )3、A. How does Liu Yun feel?         B. What’s the matter, Liu Yun ?

(   )4、A. I’m 164 cm tall.           B. I’m 46 kg..

(   )5、A. I went to Mohe Park         B. I washed my clothes


(   )       (   )       (   )       (   )       (   )


(   )1. John isn’t from China.

(   )2. John went to Beijing last weekend.

(   )3. John went to Kunming by plane.

(   )4. John climbed a mountain in Beijing.

(   )5 John likes China.

笔  试  部  分


(   )1、A. cold            B. headache            C. bored

(   )2、A. thinner          B. smaller             C. bigger

(   )3、A. throat           B. hurt                C. head

(   )4、A. yesterday        B. last Monday         C. tomorrow

(   )5、A.washed          B. watched             C. wash


1、What’s the matter? My finger ______             .

2、I was in Xinjiang last week.  I ______ and  ______ with my friends

3、Did you                          last weekend ? No, I didn’t.


(    ) 1、        did you         last weekend ?

A、What  go    B、Where  go   C、Where  do

(    ) 2.A:         did you go to Zhejiang last year?   B: By plane.

A. What   B. Where   C. How

(    ) 3.I am 160cm. Amy is 162 cm. Amy is ______   than me.

A .taller     B.shorter      C.heavier

(   ) 4.She ______to school on foot yesterday.

A. goes   B.went      C. go

(   ) 5. Did you        your room last weekend?

A. clean    B.cleaned     C. cleans


John didn’t go to school this morning. He was sick. He had a headache and a sore nose. He had a fever, too. The doctor gave(给)him some medicine. He must drink hot drinks and stay in bed, too. Then he will feel better soon.

(   )1. John didn’t go to school this afternoon.

(   )2. John had a fever.

(   )3. The doctor didn’t give John any medicine.

(   )4. John must drink cold drinks.

(   )5. John will feel better soon.


Amy and Sarah are good friends. Amy is thirteen years old. She is one year older than Sarah. She is one hundred and sixty cm and fifty- one kg. She is shorter and heavier than Sarah. She is three cm shorter than Sarah. But she is three kg heavier than Sarah. On the holiday Amy went to Qingdao. She bought presents for Sarah. But Sarah went to visit her aunt . They were both happy.

Name Age Height Weight Holiday Activities

Amy 13 160cm 45kg

12 164cm 51kg

Sarah 12 163cm 50kg visited grandparents

11 159cm 48kg visited her aunt



(1)you  , the , wash ,  did  ,clothes

(2)so ,  you ,  look ,  tired  , today

(3)did , what,  do  you  the , on,  weekend

(4) am ,  I ,  5,  taller,  cm,   you,  than

(5) heavy,  how,  are,  you

2 .根据实际情况回答问题。

(1)What did your father do yesterday?

(2)Did your mother wash the clothes last night?

(3)Where did you go on your holiday?

(4)How tall is your father?

(5)How do you feel today?





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