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一. 听音,选出你听到的单词(20分)

( ) 1.A. capital B. hospital C. hotel

( ) 2. A. south B. north C. east

( ) 3. A. like B. love C. enjoy

( ) 4. A. bus B. us C. but

( ) 5. A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Bangkok

( ) 6. A. grandma B. grandpa C. grandparents

( ) 7. A.camera B. came C. address

( ) 8. A. SanFrancisco B. NewYork C. LosAngeles

( ) 9. A. salt B. sweet C. salty

( ) 10.A.rice dumplings B. moon cake C. hamburger

二. 听音,补全句子。(20分)

A:上海版英语六年级期中试题下学期:Would you like some________ dumplings?

B: Yes, please. I like rice dumplings ________ meat.

A: How about you ?

C:________  I like salty rice dumplings with meat .

________ I don’t like________  rice dumplings with meat.

A:Ok! Alice, would you like some rice dumplings?

Alice: No, thanks. I________  like rice dumplings.


一. 按要求写出相应的词。(10分)

lose(过去式)________   make (现在分词)________

brought(原形)________  Japan (首都)________

with( 反义词)________

二. 选出下列每组不属于同类的单词。(10分)

(   )1.A.Beijing B. Shanghai C. China

( ) 2. A. salty B. sweet C. meat

( ) 3 . A. hamburger B. coffee C. biscuits

( ) 4. A. basketball B. football C. activity

( ) 5. A. indoor B. film C. outdoor


( )1.I usually go to school ________ bus .

A. on B. in C. by

( )2. How long does it take to travel ________ Shanghai ________ Beijing?

A. from …to ….. B. from…and ……. C. for…to ……

( ) 3. They enjoy________  those places .

A. visit B. visited C. visiting

( ) 4. I arrive________  school at 8 o’clock every day.

A. on B. at C. to

( ) 5. Tokyo is the capital________  Japan.

A. in B. on C. of

( ) 6. My plane is leaving ________ Shanghai at 3 o’clock.

A. to B. in C. for

( ) 7.--------Would you like some tea?

-------- ________________ .

A. I’d like some tea. B. Yes, please.

( ) 8. I like tea ________ sugar.

A. with B. in

( ) 9. Fishing is my farourite________  activity.

A. indoor B. outdoor C. door

( ) 1 0. Alice likes________  .

A. swim B. swimming


1. Have you brought your camera yet? A . It’s 8 o’clock.

2. Are you going to HongKong this holiday ? B. Yes , I have.

3. What time does your plane leave for NewYork? C.Yes , I am

4. How long does it take to travel to the airport? D . At 8 o’clock.

5. What time is it now? E. It takes about 2 hours





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