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听力部分 (30%)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10%)

( )六年级英语下学期期中考试题:1 . A long B along C longer D light

( ) 2 A minute B centimeter C animal D centre

( ) 3 A summer B suddenly C countryside D sunny

( ) 4 A middle school B out of C train station D History

( ) 5 A show B slow C snow D slower

( ) 6 A kilometer B hotel C bookshop D place

( ) 7. A. sports B. stop C. street D. shop

( ) 8. A. holiday B. heavy C. history D. hospital

( ) 9. A. get off B. get on C. get up D. get to

( )10. A work B. world C .word D.woker

二、听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案。 (听两遍)(10分)

( ) 1. A. About two kilometers. B. On foot. C. It's on your left.

( ) 2. A. By bike. B. Only four. C. Every five minutes.

( ) 3. A. Yes, it’s over there. B. Bus No. 11

C. I can get to the History Museum by bus.

( ) 4. A. My uncle is. B. Yes, you're right.

C. My brother is older than me.

( ) 5. A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he is.


A: ________ me, where’s the _______centre, please?

B: Go along this _______, then turn _______ at the _______ crossing. It’s ______ the Bank of _______.

A: Is it _____ from here?

B: No, it’s about a kilometer _______.

A: _______ you very much. B: Not at all.

笔试部分 (70%)


1.去散步 2.独生子

3.去邮局的路 4. 多做运动

5.比他胖 6.参观历史博物馆

7.来自澳大利亚 8.at the third crossing

9.在中山路 10.a map of the town


( ) 1. Look! The dragonfly than the bee.

A. fly higher B. is flying higher C. flies high

( ) 2.Helen was glad Yang Ling.

A.see B.to see C.of see

( ) 3 .Su Yang and Su Hai are .

A.a twin sister B.twin sister C.twin sisters

( ) 4.We’re good at ____ and ____.

A. run, jump B. runing, jumping C. running, jumping

( ) 5. is the shopping center? About two kilometers away.

A.How many B.How far C.How

( )6.I’ll a policeman.

A.am B.is C.be

( ) 7. A thief _____my purse and ______away yesterday afternoon.

A. steal; ran B. steals; runs C. stole; ran

( )8. A woman ________ me and came to help.

A. hears B.heard C. hear

( )9. can I get to the post office? You can by taxi.

A.How many B.How far C.How

( )10. Linda a twin brother, and she is than him.

A. is, taller B. has, tall C. has, taller


(A) (B)

( ) 1. How far is the bus stop from here? A. You’re welcome.

( ) 2. Does Ben go to school earlier than you? B. No, I didn’t.

( ) 3. Don’t be late again. C. All right.

( ) 4. Can I play computer games now? D. About a kilometer away.

( ) 5. Did you watch a film last Sunday? E. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 6. What else would you like? F. Sorry, you can’t.

( ) 7. Thank you very much. G..Some masks, please.

( ) 8. Where’s Jim? I can’t find him. H. He’s ill at home.


1. I’m 160 centimeters. Jack is 160 centimeters, too. (用as…as合并一句)

I’m as as .

2. He met his friend in the shopping center last night.(改成否定句)

He his friend in the shopping center last night.

3. Su Yang usually gets up earlier than Su Hai. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Su Yang ________up earlier than Su Hai?

4. I can get to the Art Museum by taxi.(对画线部分提问)

you get to the Art Museum?

5. Jim runs faster than Ben. (改为同义句)

Ben ________ ________ than Jim.


1. I’d like (buy)a skirt for my daughter.

2. Which is __________ (long), the Yellow River or the Changjiang River?

3. He ________ (not stop ) the thief just now.

4. The students __________ ( have ) an English lesson now.

5. You can jump (high),but I can jump (high)than you.

6. Su Yang is ten centimeters than ________ (I).

7. My brother is ______ ( good ) at ________ ( swim ) than I.

8. Whose school bag is heavier , mine or _____ (you ) ?



Helen _______ _______ than me ,she is good at the _____ jump.


I _______ her ______ _______ bus No.6 just now.


The girl ____ _____ _____ ______ than the girl in green .


Are you the only your family?


Saying Goodbye

Many people are waiting for the train. Some are reading the newspaper and some are saying goodbye to their friends.

Mr. Wang,Mr.Li and Mr Chen are talking so happily that they don’t know the train is going to leave. The guard says to them,”Hurry up! The train is going to leave.” The three men hear the guard. Two of them jump onto the train quickly before it moves. Mr. Wang is left behind. He looks very sad. The guard says to him,” Don’t feel bad. The next train will come in ten minutes.” “ I know,” Mr. Wang says,”It is my train . My friends only come to say goodbye to me.”

( )1. Mr. Wang ,Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are talking at the station.

( )2. There are only three men at the station.

( )3. Mr. Wang jumps onto the train.

( )4. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li are Mr. Wang’s friends.

( )5. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li really want to jump onto the train.




1、along 2、centimeter 3、sunny 4、middle school

5、slower 6 、place 7. street 8、history 9 get to



1How far is it from here ?

2How many stops are there?

3 Is there a post office in the street?

4 Your friend is Nancy .

5.Does Jim swim slower than David ?


A: Excuse me, where’s the shopping centre, please?

B: Go along this street , then turn left at the second crossing. It’s near the Bank of China.

A: Is it far from here?

B: No, it’s about a kilometer away .

A: Thank you very much. B: Not at all.





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