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一 、听朗读,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)

( ) 1. A where B what C when

( ) 2. A box B pack C can

( ) 3. A clown B clock C clothes

( ) 4. A glass B. grass C. gloves

( ) 5. A turn left B turn right C traffic light

( ) 6. A shopping mall B grocery store C supper market

( ) 7. A practice B presents C parents

( ) 8. A tired B climb C cry

( ) 9. A worry B sorry C happy

( ) 10. A first B next C then


won the game woke up late be careful street clap

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

At lunchtime pardon me crosswalk everywhere crocodile


( ) 1.小学六年级下册英语期中考试题:A. Go crosswalk. B. Green light. C. Red light.

( ) 2. A.Because he got a good grade. B. Because he lost his keys. C. Because he caught a cold.

( ) 3. A I woke up late. B Yes, he did. C No, she wasn’t.

( ) 4. A I lose my keys. B She was crying. C I went to school.

( ) 5. A. They were 10 yuan . B. It was 10 yuan. C. It’s 10 yuan.


I had a bad and good day . ______, I went home late . I __ ___ my keys this morning . Next , I _ _____ __ ______ with friends after school . We played in the park and laughed __ ___ . At 5:00, I went to a _ ______ . I looked for a book . At 6:30 , I waited __ _____ my mother at the subway station .______ we had dinner at a restaurant . We _ _________ slowly . We ________ home at 9:30.


一、 选出与单词划线部分发音不相同的选项。(5分)

( )1.A train B tree C three

( )2. A miss B exited C right

( )3. A why B cry C slowly

( )4. A great B grass C grade

( )5. A fair B pair C clear

二、 填上所缺的单词的正确形式,使句子通顺。(10分,每词1分)

1.He often _______ up at 6:30 in the morning.

2.In China, the drivers drive on the side of the road.

3.He is too so he must have a rest.

4.I was the lake, I was swimming.

5. You can buy many books in the .


( ) 1. I like to play _____ violin_____lots of practice. I become the best.

A. the, with B. /,and C. the, but ( )

( )2.Why____ you _____ late last night? I watched TV.

A. do, stayed B. did , stay C. are ,staying

( ) 3. Ben are _______ for his friends now.

A. wait B. waited C. Waiting

( ) 4. This hat is mine. It _____ cool.

A. look B. looking C. looks

( ) 5. He bought two of flowers.

A bunch B bunches C bunchs

( ) 6. Please wait me the gate.

A at…………for B for…………at C for………… To

( )7. The hospital is on the , don’t turn right.

A left B right C straight

( )8. The boy saw a snake and he was _______.

A. scare B. bad C. upset

( )9. A: More chicken? B: _________

A. Good B. Yes, please. C. Sorry. I don’t want.

( )10. The turtle runs _____. It’s very ______ .

A. slow…slowly B. slowly…slow C.slowly…quickly


1. What did he _______ at the store? He _________ a pair of ____________.

2. ________ was she excited? Because she ________ a ________ _________.

3. Where’s the hospital ? It’s ______ ________the bank.

4. Where was she at 11:00? He was at the hair _________.


All students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living-room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better. Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean desk. A good light is important, too. You’ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.

1. ( )All students need to have good________habits. A study B playing C sleeping

2. ( )Which is a good place to study? A living room B bedroom C dining room

3. ( ) Before you begin to study,_________ is important. A water B food C light

4. ( ) A good study habits can help students learn things_______. A quickly B slowly C quietly

5. ( ) Which is the best title (题目) ?________ A study B study habits(学习习惯) C learn


Gogo 上星期六去了超市上星期六去了超市上星期六去了超市上星期六去了超市,买了一盒巧克力买了一盒巧克力买了一盒巧克力买了一盒巧克力,一支牙膏和一对袜子一支牙膏和一对袜子一支牙膏和一对袜子一支牙膏和一对袜子。他他他他很高兴很高兴很高兴很高兴。午饭时间约了一些朋友去餐馆吃饭午饭时间约了一些朋友去餐馆吃饭午饭时间约了一些朋友去餐馆吃饭午饭时间约了一些朋友去餐馆吃饭。下午他去了公园骑骆驼下午他去了公园骑骆驼下午他去了公园骑骆驼下午他去了公园骑骆驼,还在湖边钓鱼还在湖边钓鱼还在湖边钓鱼还在湖边钓鱼。但他看到一条蛇但他看到一条蛇但他看到一条蛇但他看到一条蛇,很害怕很害怕很害怕很害怕。他赶快逃跑了他赶快逃跑了他赶快逃跑了他赶快逃跑了。





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