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笔 试 部 分(60分)

五、选不同类单词, 将其序号填在( )里。(10分)

( )1. A. turtle B. lizard C. snake D. animals

( )2. A. Rock B. music C. Jazz D. pop music

( )3. A. love story B. tragedy C. movie D. western

( )4. A. pink B. orange C. bedroom D. red

( )5. A. March B. twelve C. May D. June

( )6. A. Halloween B. Easter C. New Year D. Birthday

( )7. A. flower B. dress C. shoes D. cap

( )8. A. cartoon B. TV C. sports show D. animal world

( )9. A. potato B. tomato C. pink D. cabbage

( )10. A. teddy bear B. pencil C. toy car D. YoYo

六、选出最佳答案,将其序号填在( )里。(20分)

( )1. _________ brave you are!

A. What a B. How

( )2. What _______ you doing?

A. is B. are

( )3. —Do you like country music?

—Yes, I _______ .

A. do B. am

( )4. Come to my flat _______ 9:00 ________ the morning.

A. in… at B. at … in

( )5. I prefer ______ a comedy.

A. to see B. see

( )6. What’s the matter ________ you?

A. to B. with

( )7. I’ll try my best _____ help you.

A. on B. to

( )8. It’s grandma’s birthday _______ Sunday.

A. in B. on

( )9. The mouse said _____ the lion, “Don’t eat me”.

A. to B. with

( )10. — _________ can we have for main food?

— Some noodles.

A. Where B. What


1) 从A 、B中选出与给出中文意识一致的单词或短语,将序号填在( )里。

( )1. 细节 A. detail B. desert

( )2. 出去 A. fall into B. get out

( )3. 高兴 A. laugh at B. happiness

( )4. 喜剧片 A. tragedy B. comedy

( )5. 古典音乐 A. classical music B. country music

2) 选出正确的拼写,将序号填在括号中。

( )6.conc______ t A. er B. re

( )7. doll____ A. er B.ar

( )8. b__ te A. i B. a

( )9. prepara______ A. tion B. sion

( )10. rep_____ A. ire B. air


1.What’s, favourite, your, music, 你最喜欢的音乐是什么?

_What’s_______________________________________________________ ?

2. Would, like to, a film, you , see, 你愿意去看电影吗?

_Would_______________________________________________________ ?

3. We, Longquan, live in, all, 我们都住在龙泉。

__We__________________________________________ .

4. There, then, a river, was, 那时这儿有一条河。

_There______________________________________________ .

5. The lion, good friends, became, the mouse , and, 狮子和老鼠成了好朋友。

__The lion________________________________________________________ .


A—Assistant B—Miss Wang

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I want some oranges and apples.

A: How about these oranges?

B: Oh! They’re nice( 好的). How much are they?

A: They’re very cheap, only one yuan(元)a kilo.(公斤)

B: OK, I’ll take three kilos.

A: How many apples do you want?

B: I’ll take ten.

A: Here you are.

B: How much are they?

A: Fifty (50) yuan.

① 判断正(T)误(F)。

( ) 1. Miss Wang wants to buy some oranges and apples.

( ) 2. The oranges are very cheap.

( ) 3. But the apples are very expensive.

( ) 4. The apples are ten yuan each(每公斤).

( ) 5. Miss Wang gives the assistant 50 yuan.

② 从短文中抄写你喜欢的五个句子。








英语六年级上册第七单元测试题:Unit 7

小学英语六年级上册第六单元测试题:Unit 6


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