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1. I often __________ (play) computer games at the weekends.

I _________ computer games last weekend.

2. There _________ (be) a pair of earphones on the bed just now.

3. My sister ____________(not go) to the zoo last Sunday .

4. I __________ (live) in a small town two years ago .

But now I _______ in Shanghai.

5. Did you ________ (read ) magazines a moment ago? No, I _________.

I_________( run) in the playground.

6. Mike likes          (take) photos. He ______ lots of photos last week.

7. All the people are very          .They are having an __________ running race.  (excite)

8. Would you like ___________ (taste) some strawberries?

9. Shall we ________ (ask)           (he) the question?


(    ) 1. The book _______on the chair just now . Where _______ it now?

A. is; is           B. was; is           C. was; was

(    ) 2. My sister likes ________ music after lunch .

A. listening to      B. listen to          C. to listen

(    ) 3. My uncle‘s son is my _________ .

A. brother         B. cousin           C. father

(    ) 4. Yang Ling must ________ clothes every day .

A. wash           B. washs           C. washes

(    ) 5. I want to learn a lot _________ stamps .

A. of             B. about            C. with

(    ) 6. The photos are under the bed . He can’t pick ________ .

A. up it           B. up them          C. them up

(    ) 7. It‘s time for________ home . Let’s ______.

A. us to go, go     B. we to go, to go     C. I to go, go

(    )8. It means “Danger” and we shouldn‘t __________ it.

A. keep off        B. touch           C. stay away from

(    ) 9. Did you ________ the food there ? Yes, it was delicious.

A. like           B. likes            C. liked

(    ) 10. Where ________   you yesterday ?  I _______ at a camp.

A. was, was       B. was , were        C. were, was


1. She’d like making a cake for her family.               (    )

A    B         C    D

2. Look! The children swim in the river now.              (    )

A       B   C         D

3. Where were you go just now?                        (    )

A   B   C     D

4. The children want a ball. Please give one to he.         (    )

A      B                C   D

5. My birthday is in the fourth of February.                (    )

A  B  C       D

十一、根据汉语意思完成下列句子:(10 分)

1. 看鸟笼上的那个标志,上面说:你不应该在这儿吃喝。

Look at the sign on the _________ _________.

It          “ You            eat or drink here.”

2. 你昨天做了什么?我和我父母参观了一个农场。我们在那挤牛奶了。那很有趣!

What _________ you do yesterday?  I _________ a farm with my _______.

We ______ ________ there. That _______ _______!


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