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2. A: Who usually __________ (catch) fish in the river?

B: The fisherman.

3. John is a good boy and he never __________ (tell) lies.

4. Look, John and Mary __________ (ride) bicycles.

5. They __________ (have) an autumn outing tomorrow.

6.____________ your father often late for work? (be)

7.Look, it ____________ hard .(rain)

7. 介词的用法

1. Please tell me the story ____________ English.

A. in          B. by           C. at           D. with

2. Let's help ____________ each other and learn ____________ each other.

A. from.., from                    B. /...from

C. with...from                  D. with.../

3. Shall we go to __________ U.S.A. __________ next weekend?

A./, /          B. the, /           C. /, at            D. the, at

4. --- What would you like to have _______ dinner?

-- I'd like Io have fried vegetables _______ garlic.

A. for, by      B. on, with      C. for, with      D. on, by

5. Thanksgiving Day is _________ the fourth Thursday of Nov. in America.

A. from      B. on        C. in     D. at

6. Make a birthday card _________ one of your family members.

A. to          B. at         C. for       D. of

7. I usually go shopping with my aunt _________ weekends.

A. at  B. by          C. in          D. for

8. _________ a very cold morning, the boy was born in a poor family.

A. In              B. On                 C. At   D. From

9. You can buy some fish _______ the fish stall.

A. for         B. in            C. at            D. on

10. I live far __________ school so I always __________ the underground to school.

A. away, by         B. from, take         C. away, take      D. from, by

11. I want to make a card _______ my teacher on Teachers’ Day.

A. to     B. of     C. for     D. from

12. Let’s meet them _______ the entrance _______ one thirty.

A. at……in     B. in……at     C. at……at     D. in……in


1. __________ can help each other after school.

A. She           B. He            C. I               D. They

2.  Miss Guo is a good teacher and she teaches __________ (we) English well.

3.  The little girl is crying. Let's go and help ____________. (she)

4.  Ben is ______ friend and I love _______ very much.

A. I……he      B. I……him     C. my……he    D. my……him

5. This is a photo of my family and _________. We are visiting the Expo Park,

A. my   B. mine        C. me          D. I

6. Now they are introducing ____________ to the foreign friends. (they)

7.Look, this is a photo of his family and _______ (he).

8.Miss Chen teaches _________ Maths this term. (they)

9.Now they are introducing ____________ to the foreign friends. (they)

9. 13-100的基数词表达和序数词表达以及时刻表达

1. Tomorrow is my cousin's __________ (twelve) birthday.

2. Our maths teacher is______________ years old.

A. forty one      B. fourty-one       C. fourteen         D. forty-one

3. What time is it? It's 10:45. It reads _________.

A. a quarter to eleven              B. a quarter to ten

C. a quarter past ten               D. a quarter past eleven

4. Two _________ parents will come to our school on the Open Day.

A. hundred    B. hundreds     C. hundred of      D. hundreds of

5. Mr. Green is going to visit Garden City for the _________ time. (three)

6. It is my ________ time to travel by plane. (one)

10. 表示建议的句型

l. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (保质句意不变)

__________ __________ go to the cinema tonight?

2. What about _________ this afternoon? I don't want to stay at home.

A. to see a film   B. seeing a film       C. see a film        D. not see

3. What about __________ a picnic this Sunday?

A. to have          B. have           C. having      D. Will have

4. How about _________ bicycles this weekend?

A. ride       B. to ride       C. riding        D. rides

22. --What about a barbecue today? -- _________.

A. What's the matter?             B. Anything important?

C. That's a good idea.             D. How is the weather?

11. Say speak talk tell的区别

1. I sometimes _________ my cousin about my school and friends.

A. say           B. speak          C. talk          D. tell


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