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a bar of toothpaste ice cream 炸鸡块

a tube of soap fried chicken 冰淇淋

a glass of shampoo noodles 面条

a bottle of tea beef 三明治

a cup of milk sandwiches 牛肉


A.Good morning ! B. My house is behind it. C. Thank you.

D. Walk across the street and turn left. E. Tomorrow morning, say 10 o’clock.

Girl: 1. ____________

Boy: Good morning!

Girl: Will you please come to my birthday party?

Boy: Yes. 2. ________. What time?

Girl: 3. _________________.

Boy: Ok. But how can I get to your house?

Girl: Take the NO. 131 bus to Yangzi road bus-stop and 4.________________.

Boy: Walk across the street and turn left?

Girl: Yes. And you’ll find a bank there. 5._____________________.

1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________

九 阅读理解。(10%)

Our library is in the south of the school. It’s large and bright. We are always reading books in the library on Sunday. We can’t jump and run in it. If we want to play, we can go to the playground. It is behind the teaching building. The playground is very large. We always play football or basketball on the playground after class.

( )1. Our library is in the _____ of the school.

A. north B.south C. west

( )2. We are always reading books in the______ on Sunday.

A. library B.playground C. teaching building

( )3. We can’t ________ in the library.

A. jump and run B.study C. read

( )4. Behind the teaching building, there is a_______.

A. garden B.playground C. language lab

( )5. We always _________ on the playground after class.

A. jump B. run C. play football or basketball

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小学六年级英语测试练习题之Unit1 单元测试



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