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学好英语就需要平时的积累。知识积累越多,掌握越熟练,威廉希尔app 编辑了六年级英语试卷:句子种类习题,欢迎参考!


( )1. ______ lovely weather! Let's go on a picnic.

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( )2. ______ beautiful the flower is!

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

( )3. _______ interesting story it is!

A. What a B. What C. How D. What an

( )4. ________ tall trees they are!

A. How B. What C. What a D. What an

( )5. ______ kind they are!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( )6. _______ hard all these people are working !

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

( )7. ______ bad weather it is!

A. What a B. How

C. What D. What an

( )8. ______ large the factory is!

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

( )9. ______ good boy he is!

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

( )10. ______ computer games, shall we?

A. Let's to play B. Let's play C. Let play D. Let to play


1,I did lost my wallet yesterday.


2, John don`t like rock music.


3, The soup smell terrible.


4, He must knows the chairman.


5, We are going to not hold a party.


6, Do frank come from England?


7, Are you go camping tomorrow morning?


8, Let go shopping now.


9, Stop talk, class begins.


10, How is delicious the soup!



1,他每天吃三顿饭。(has, every, he, three, meals, day)


2,这部电影很有趣。(is, this, interesting, film, very)


3, 她不会说法语。(she, speak, French, not, can)


4, 他打算把车卖了。(is, going, his, he, to, car, sell)


5, 他们明天不会离开。(tomorrow, leave, going, are, not, they, to)



1, Andy is hungry.


2, Frank comes from England.


3, I can`t speak English.


4, We will go camping tomorrow morning.


5, She hasn`t read the novel yet.



一, 选择填空

1-5 6-10

二, 找错,并改正过来

1, I lost my wallet yesterday. I didn`t lose my wallet yesterday.

2, John doesn`t like rock music.

3, The soup smells terrible.

4, He must know the chairman.

5, We are not going to hold a party.

6, Does frank come from England?

7, Will you go camping tomorrow morning?

8, Let`s go shopping now.

9, Stop talking, class begins.

10, How delicious the soup is!


1, He has three meals every day.

2, This film is very interesting.

3, She can`t speak French.

4, He is going to sell his car.

5, They aren`t going to leave tomorrow.


1, Is Andy hungry?

2, Does Frank come from England?

3, Can`t you speak English?

4, Will you go camping tomorrow morning?

5, Has she not read novel?








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