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1.What do you want____________(eat)?  2.It’s 4:00 now. Let’s____________(go)home.

3.They are too heavy. I can’t___________(carry)them all.

4.My mother_________(give)me a storybook on my birthday last year.

5.He saw his father in space and he _____(be)very proud of him.


1、First  he  became  a  p___________(飞行员)。

2、It’s  a  book  about______________________ (太空旅行)。

3、It’s  for ______________________________(打棒球)。

4、The  boy  is _________________________(吹小号)。

5、The apples are _________________(跌落) the stairs.


(   ) 1. Does she teach math?               A. I am 160 cm tall.

(   ) 2. How tall are you?                      B. I feel sick.

(   ) 3. How do you feel?                     C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.

(   ) 4. What did you do last weekend?   D. Yes, she does.

(   ) 5.  When is your birthday?          E. I visited my grandpa.

(   ) 6. What day is it today?                    F. It's Wednesday.

(   ) 7. Where did you go yesterday?       G. It's on January 1st.

(   ) 8. Is she playing the violin now?      H. Come in, please.

(   ) 9. May I come in?                            I. I went to Shanghai

(   ) 10. How did you go home yesterday?  J. Yes, she is.


In October  2003,  Shenzhou  Ⅴ(1)         into space(2)         Yang Liwei.  He was China’s (3)_______ man in space. Yang Liwei is from Liaoning. (4)_________ he became a (5)      . Then he became a taikonaut. Yang Liwei (7)        about twenty—one hours in space. He made a video about his space travel.

Lots of people( 8)         it and now  he  is  very, very famous. Yang Liwei’s (9)________ was eight years old.

He saw his father in space and he was very(10)          of him.


It is Saturday morning. Mrs Black and her daughter Kate go to the bookshop Near their house. Mrs Black wants to buy some picture books for her grandson. Kate wants to buy some storybooks. In the bookshop Kate meets her old classmate, Sue. They are good friends. They talk and talk for a long time and forge to buy books. At twelve o’clock Mrs Black finds them and asks Sue to go and have lunch in their house, Sue says: “Yes.” The two girls are very happy.

(    ) 1. Mrs Black and her daughter go to the bookshop on Sunday Morning.

(    ) 2. The bookshop is near the school.

(    ) 3. The two girls meet in the bookshop.

(    ) 4. Kate forget to buy books.

(    ) 5. The two girls go and have lunch at twelve o’clock.

本文章的主要内容是2013小学六年级英语同步练习试题,威廉希尔app 欢迎您来阅读并提出宝贵意见!







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