
小学英语 Unit 6 Revision



2. Let’s learn:

1) 放对话录音或者打开资源中心相关课件,让学生观看。

2) 听录音重复句子,模仿录音中的语音语调。

3) 让个别学生领读以下单词:hare、tortoise、short、long、sure、well then、get there、first、ready。并重申词义。

4) 启发学生进一步理解以下句子的意思:

I can run faster than you. 我能比你跑得快。

Don’t be so sure. 不要那么自信。

Well then. 好吧。

Let’s see who can get there first. 让我们看看谁能先到哪儿。

5) 就对话内容提问:

Is it in the morning?

What is the hare doing?

Whose legs are long? And whose legs are short?

Can this tortoise run?

Where will they run to?

Who will get there first?

6) 角色扮演:两人一组表演对话。

3. Look and write:








Lesson 33

The hare and the tortoise(1)

Hare:I’m running. My legs are long. I can run faster than you.

Let’s run to the tall tree over there.

Let’s see who can get there first.

Tortoise:Legs are short. Of course I can. Don’t be so sure.

All right.

Lesson 34

【课题】Lesson 34


1. 能听懂并准确朗读课文。

2. 正确理解课文中语句的功能结构。


1. 一般现在时中动词的适时变化。

2. 以what和how引导的感叹句的正确运用。


1. 复习:呈现Lesson 33中的图像资料。

教师说:The hare can run fast. So we can say,“The hare runs fast.”

How about the tortoise? Does it run fast?

引导学生说出: The tortoise can’t run fast. It walks slowly.


教师说:“The hare runs fast and the tortoise walks slowly. They will run to the tall tree over there. What will they do on their way to the tall tree, can you guess? They will …

引导学生用The hare will….. The tortoise will……来猜测一下本课的故事内容。(教师应该鼓励学生的各种猜测,但是要注意句中动词的准确使用。)

2. 呈现故事:

教师出示图像资料1):Look,how slow the tortoise is!


教师出示图像资料2):Look at this picture,what can you see in it?

学生回答:I can see the hare.

教师说:How slow the tortoise is! What about the hare?

引导学生说出:How fast the hare is!

教师出示图像资料(3):Look,the hare is sleeping. What a nice sleep!


教师引导学生看图用What a nice….! 来描述图中其它的景物。

3. 听一听,读一读


学生两人一组试读课文,然后说说句子的意思。教师巡视指导。 教师提问,了解学生对课文语句的理解情况。