
鲁教版六年级英语上册Unit 1复习学案


Unit1 复习学案




1. 词汇:1)一定要写准这几个词:morning afternoon evening thanks fine OK English

2). hi(同义词)hello you(同音字母)u am ( 复数) are this( 反义词) that kilogram( 缩写) kg HB 铅笔芯(硬黑) CD激光唱片 BBC英国广播公司 NBA全美篮球协会 P停车场 a.m 上午 p.m 下午


!) I’m OK.(划线部分提问)→How are you?

2) I’m fine. (划线部分提问)→ How are you?

3) His father is fine. (划线部分提问) →How is his father?

4) 某某 is fine/OK(划线部分提问).→ How is 某某 ?

5) They are fine. (划线部分提问)→ How are they?


1) I’m OK.=I’m fine. =I’m well.

2)Thanks.=Thank you.

3. 适当形式(be的形式)知识

1)我(I)用am 你(you)用are is跟着它(it) 他(he) 她(she) 单数is 复数are

2) his father/mother ,my father/mother ,名字等都看作是单数。

3)this , that 都是单数。



2)Good morning 除了用 Good morning! Hello! Hi! 回答外还可以用Morning.

3) Good morning\ afternoon\ evening ight to 某人。

4) How are you? 除了用I’m fine. 回答外,还可以用Good或Very good 来回答。

5)“晚安”Good night.

6) 你好!How do you do? 用How do you do?来回答。

7)Yes, I am . 不能用Yes, I’m.

8) OK两个字母都大写,kg两个字母都小写。( 一定要用手写体)

9)D的笔顺,E的笔顺,F,H 的笔顺


11) Thanks./ Thank you.的回答方式有:Not at all./ That’s all right./ You’re welcome.

12)元音字母有:a e i o u .

含有/i:/的字母b c d e






1)Hi, Cindy! How are you?

2) Good night, 某某!

3) Good evening, 某某!


1. 口头检测(老师自我处理)。


2. 组长检查A-H字母的音标。

3. 组长检查A-H字母的格子中的位置。


一、 按要求做题

hi (同义词) u (同音单词) kilogram (缩写) p.m a.m

二、 元音字母有:





1. 1.G______ morning, Mike!

2. 2.Good ____________(下午),Mary!

3 .3.Good___________ (晚上),Alice!

4. 4.I do my homework (作业) in the e___ 5.H_________ are you? I’m f_______.

1. 6.I’m OK. T__________ .

三、 句型转化

1. 1.Jack, thanks.(改为同义句)

______ ________ ,Jack.

2. 2.Goodbye!( 改为同义句)

__________ _________!

3. 3.I’m fine. (划线提问)

______ _______ ________ ?

四、 单选

1.--Good night, my baby!

-- ___________ , mom!

A. Good evening B. Good night

C. How are you? D. Bye-bye

2. –Good morning, Li Dong! How are you?

-- ______.

A. Good morning B. Good afternoon

C. How are you? D. I’m OK, thanks.

3. – How do you do?

-- _______.

A. Fine, thanks. B. Hi.

C. How do you do? D. Good morning

4. 英语中小写字母______的下端都抵第四线。

A.b, c, f B. f, g, j C. l, h, d D. a, c, d

5. I am 的缩写形式是_______.

A. Iam B. im C. I’am D. I’m

6.英语共有_____个辅音字母, 有 ______个元音字母。

A. 21.7 B. 21,5 C. 26,5 D. 18, 8

7.”How are you?, Mike? ”

“I’m _______”

A. good B. OK C. Ok D. Fine

8. –Are you Eric?

-- _____

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, you are.

C. Yes, I’m. D. Yes, are you.

9. Good afternoon _______ you.

A. do B. to C. is D. are

10. –Thank you.


A. No, not thank. B. You’re welcome. C. Thank you. D. Yes, I am.

11. –Hi, Alice! ________-- Hi, Grace! I’m fine.

A. Good morning! B. How are you ?

C. How old are you? D. Thanks!

12. This is ____ apple and that is _____ pen.

A. an , a B. a, an C. an, an D. a, a

13. This _____ Ann and that ______Bob.

A. is, are B. is, is C. am, is D. is, am

14. This _____ a pencil and that _____ a pen.

A. is, is B. is, am C. am, is D. am, am

15.Lily _____ a good student.

A. is B. are C. am

16. They _____ my teachers.

A. is B. are C. am

17. Tim’s mother _____ a doctor. (医生)

A. is B. are C. am

18. We _____ 13 now.

A. is B. are C. am

19. How ___ Grace?

A. is B. are C. am

20. ---Thank you! ---________ .

A. That’s all right B. That’s right

C. You welcome D. It’s right





I , .


, Cindy! you?
