Unit7 a letter to a penfriend教学计划:六年级下册英语



一元复始,万象更新。威廉希尔app 小学频道小编准备了Unit7 a letter to a penfriend教学计划的相关内容,希望能够对大家有帮助。



(A Listen, read and say)











1、教具准备:a、多媒体教学软件。  b、句型卡。


3、板书准备:预先贴好课题 Unit7 A letter to a penfriend。

六、教学过程 温

A Preparation

1、Some information for students: a. English letter style

b. e-mail introduction

2、Ask and answer

T: May I know your name?

How old are you?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Who do you live with? ?

Do you have any hobbies?

What are your hobbies?

I have many hobbies. Guess, what are my hobbies?

S: ... ?

B Presentation and practice

1、T: One of my hobbies is making friends. Today Im very happy, because I received a letter from my penfriend. Do you have a penfriend? ?


T: If you want to have a penfriend, you can go to the penfriend club for help. Now lets go to the penfriend club. Look at the screen, this is a scene of a penfriend club. Who is the boy? What does he want to do? Lets listen. ?lt;)?

2、Listen for twice and answer questions ?

T: Who is the boy?

What does he want to do?

How old is he?

Where does he live?

Does he have any brothers or sisters?

What are his hobbies?

Whats his e-mail address?

3、Fill in the "penfriend wanted" form

4、Ask the students say something about Peter.

C Go through the dialogue

1、T: Now you know Peter very well. But can Peter find a penfriend in China? Lets listen to a dialogue, then youll find the answer.

S:(Listen to the first passage).

T: Who wants to write to Peter.

S: Liu Tao wants to write to Peter.

T:OK, now lets listen and repeat.

S:(Listen and repeat.)

2、T: Boys and girls, think it over, if you want to write a letter, what do you need?


T: Does Liu Tao want them too? What does Liu Tao need? Lets listen.

S:(Listen from Mum, can I have some writing paper,... to Thank you )

T:OK, what does Liu Tao need?


S:(Listen and repeat)

3、T: What questions will Liu Taos mother ask? Lets continue to listen.

S:(Listen to the left dialogue for once)

T: What questions will Liu Taos mother ask?

S: Who do you want to write to? ?

Whos Peter?

Where does he live?

Does he have any brothers or sisters?

What are his hobbies?

T:(Put the sentence cards on the blackboards)

Good, read these questions after me.

S:(Read after the teacher)

T: Can you answer these questions now? Lets ask and answer.

T & S:(Ask and answer)

4、T: What does Liu Tao want to tell Peter? Lets listen again.

S:(Listen to the left dialogue again and then answer the above question)

D Listen, read and say

1、Read after the teacher.

2、Read by themselves.

3、Read the dialogue together.

E Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.

F Consolidation

1、T: Now Peter has got a penfriend in China? Do you want to have a penfriend?

S: Yes. m

T: Now Ill show four famous persons to you. You can choose one to write to. But

please remember his or her information.

T:(On screen, show the information of Liu Xiang,

Tai Lihua,  Zhou Jielun and Beckham)

S:(Try to remember the information of who they want to write to)

T: Who do you want to write to?


T: Can you remember his/her information?

S: Yes.

T:OK. Lets check.

S:(Come to the front and back to the screen)

T & the left students:(Ask some questions on the blackboard)

2、Surf the internet

T: If you want to have more pen friends, you can surf the Internet.

(Teach students how to do it and tell them Internet safety rules for kids)

G Assign homework )

1、Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.

2、Surf the Internet and try to find a penfriend, then write him or her.


Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend

Fri Apr 22 Sunny

Who do you want to write to?

Whos Peter?

Where does he live?

Does he have any brothers or sisters?

What are his hobbies?

以上即是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的Unit7 a letter to a penfriend教学计划,大家还满意吗?希望对大家有所帮助!


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