苏教牛津版六年级英语unit2教学计划范文:More exercise



任何教学只有具备一定的条件,才能有效进行,离开了这一定的条件,就可能使课堂教学低效,甚至是无效。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了苏教牛津版六年级英语unit2教学计划范文希望能对老师们备课有所帮助。

苏教牛津版六年级英语unit2教学计划范文:More exercise


1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词slow, slower, low, lower, far, farther,

well, better

2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型:Do the boys jump higher than the girls?

Does Jim swim slower than David?




1. T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Do you do exercise today? 上节课我们和Jim一起谈论了自己在体育上有哪些强项弱项,还讨论了如何改进。你还记得课文内容吗?首先让我们一起来回顾课文吧!(播放课文动画)

2.T: OK. Let’s do some exercise about it. Open your English books and turn to Page 15, review and judge. Write T for true and F for false. (PPT 2显示题目) 请回顾课文内容完成判断。

3.T: OK. Time to check your answer. 我们来看看正确答案吧!(PPT 2显示答案)

二、Part B

1. T: Good! Now I’ll show you some boys and girls. ( PPT 3) They get up at different times in the morning. Look at the pictures and tell me, who get up earlier, the boy or the girl? Yes, the boy gets up early, but the girl gets up earlier. (教单词)

T: ( PPT 4) And what about them? Who gets up later? Yes, this boy gets up late. But the girl is still sleeping, so she gets up later. She gets up later than the boy. (教单词)

2. T: OK. No matter early or late, they are all going to school today. There is a Sports Meeting at school today. 今天在学校里有一个活动日,孩子们参加各项自己喜欢的活动。 Let’s go and have a look.

T: (PPT 5 显示B部分余下6幅图) Now look, what are they doing? Yes, some of them a flying kites or model planes, some of them are running, swimming, skating or jumping. Now let’s see who can do things better.(PPT显示问题 教better)

3 T: ( PPT 6 ) OK. Now let’s go and have a look at them. First, look at them. Nancy and Liu Tao are swimming. Nancy swims slow, but Liu Tao swims slower. ( 教slow和slower )

4. ( PPT 7-10 ) 相同方法教授 low, lower, high, higher, far, farther, fast, faster ( 强调用do )

5. T: 通过刚才的学习,我们知道…… ( PPT 11-13 讲解副词比较级)

6. T: OK. Boys and girls, now let’s review the comparative degree of the adverbs. 下面我们一起来复习今天学到了副词比较级。 (PPT14-21显示 Listen and repeat)

7.T: Now let’s try to talk about them like this. (PPT 22 ) 现在请你用刚才所学到的副词比较级来谈论这几幅图,例如…… (读例句)

8.T: Now let’s check your answer. ( PPT 23-27 )

7.T: Now can you describe the whole picture like this? 请打开书16页,对比填空。

(PPT28 显示一个语段)

Today the children join in different activities(活动). Su Yang flies the kite , and Su Hai flies the kite . Nancy swims , but Liu Tao swims . Mike flies the model plane high, and David flies the model plane . Jim jumps , but Liu Tao jumps . Su Hai skates and Yang Ling skates . Liu Tao and … run , but Ben and … run .

T: OK. Now practice first and then share your answer with your partner.


8. T: OK. Now look at the pictures. They’re talking about the sports, too. First, read what they say. ( PPT 29-30显示图)

T: Now use their conversation as the model. Try to make dialogues like them. Yu may use these words. (PPT 31显示) First, let’s listen to them. 首先让我们来看看这几位是如何谈论的。


T: OK. You can practice now.


1.T: Good job. Now boys and girls. Look, where are Jim and his friends now? Yes. They are not at school now, they’re visiting a zoo. Are they happy?

Yes. They have a lot of fun here. They’re watching an animal show. Do you know animal show? (教animal show ) How is the animal show? Let’s listen. 我们一起来听听他们的对话。(播放D部分动画)

2. T: OK. Is the animal show interesting? Yes, it is. What are they doing? (PPT 33 )Now listen to the conversation again and try to complete the sentences on Page 18. (播放D部分录音)

3. T: Have you got the answer? Listen again and check your answer. (再播放D部分录音)

4.T: OK. Now let’s check the answer. (逐句显示答案,教go for a walk )

5. T: Good! Did you watch an animal show before? Can you try to say something more about the animal show? 如果你也看过有趣精彩的马戏表演,请你也来仿照听力内容说一说,写一写,你可以在课后完成。







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