六年级第二学期英语教学计划模板:unit2 More exercise



教学计划是指为完成教学目标,使教学发挥效力的各种条件的计划与准备。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了六年级第二学期英语教学计划模板希望能对大家有所帮助。

六年级第二学期英语教学计划模板:unit2 More exercise


1. 能听懂,会说,会读单词traffic. Well done.

2. 了解字母组合or在单词中的另一种发音

3. 会诵读歌谣Run, rabbit, run!.

4. 进一步巩固本单元所学知识点。



一、 复习巩固

1.T: Hello, boys and girls. Glad to see you. First, let’s play a game. I’ll show you some pictures very quickly. Please look at the pictures very carefully and try to answer my question. ( PPT 1-4 闪现游戏 出图-图显示-出问题-出答案-再出图验证 )

2.T: Good. Last lesson we talked a lot about the comparative adverbs. 本单元我们学习了有关于副词的知识。 (PPT 5-9 讲解)

二、 完成其他部分教学

1.T: Now look, boys and girls, what Miss Li and her students doing now? (PPT10显示上课图)

T: Yes, they are having their English class. What happened then? Let’s read together. Now open your books and turn to page19 (读E部分课文)

2.T: Now do you know who is late? Yes, Jim is late. Did Jim get up late this morning? No. Then why was he late? Read the dialogue and try to finish the exercise on Page 19. Write T for true and F for false. ( PPT12显示题目)

3. T: Good! Now let’s check the answer。

Now can you tell me why was Jim late? 现在你能回答为什么Jim 会迟到了吗?(PPT显示答句)

4.T: Now please read Part E, try to act in your groups. 现在就请你熟读E部分尝试与小组成员一起演一演吧。

5.T: Boys and girls, do you want to play a game? OK. This time let’s play a memory game. Let’s see who has better memory. How to play? Please read the pictures and learn. 请你自己来看图学一学怎样玩吧!

6. T: Yes. In this game, we have to remember everything in the picture quickly, and the other one should ask some questions. 请注意这里我们用到的问题应该是例如:Who runs faster, the boy or the girl? Do you understand now? You can play the game with your classmates, too.你也来和你的同学一起玩一玩这个游戏吧!


7.T: OK. Is the game interesting? At last, let’s learn a new phonetic symbol.

First, read these four words. (PPT显示四个单词)

Here the letters or are pronounced as ------ (带读)

8.T: Now try to read the sentence.

9.T: Now I’ll give you some more words. Please read and try to find the words with the letters pronounced as ------

(PPT显示句子 教师引导读句并引导学生进一步体会字母组合发音)

10. T: At last, let’s say a rhyme. It’s an interesting rhyme. Because the animals are holding a sports meeting. (播放韵律诗动画)

T: What is this rhyme for? Yes, this rhyme cheers for the rabbit. First, read it. (PPT显示韵律诗)

11. T: Who won the race? Yes, the rabbit won. So we say: Well done!

(教Well done! )

12. T: OK! Now let’s say the rhyme again together. (播放韵律诗动画)

结束语:同学们,今天我们进一步学习了副词的比较级,通过小故事和游戏进一步巩固了知识的掌握。希望你能够坚持锻炼,变得越来越强壮。See you.






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