unit1教学计划格式:Who is younger?



Under a big tree Su Hai Had a chat

Ben and Jack

3. T: Good! Now can you read this table and try to repeat? This will help you. 下面你能根据这张表格来复述吗?Have a try!

, went for a walk . She met . She was very glad to see them. They sat down

and . (显示正确答案)

4. T: 怎么样,你都填对了吗?Well, they sat down and had a chat. But did Jack know Su Hai and Su Yang before? No. So Ben introduced them. Now read their dialogue and try to act!(PPT13显示对话) 下面请你来读一读Ben是怎样介绍Jack和Su Hai的。(跟读) OK. Now you can read and act. 你可以自己再读一读,然后试着演一演。

5. T: Good job! And then Jack wanted to know more about the twin sisters. So he had the same questions as ours. (PPT14) Q1: Who is taller? Q2: Who is younger? Now listen to their dialogue and get the answers.

6.反馈两个问题答案(PPT15-18), 教as… as…(例) , than(例), minute

7. T: Now let’s talk about these questions like this. (PPT 19-20)

Is Su Hai as tall as Su Yang? No, she is .

Is Su Hai as young as Su Yang? No, she is .

Is Su Yang as tall as Su Hai? No, she is .

Is Su Yang as young as Su Hai? No, she is .

(引导学生读题,并显示答案 强调答句)

8. T: Good! Just now Jack ask Su Hai some questions, and Su Hai wants to know something about Jack, too. Now let’s go on listening to them, what are they talking about now? (PPT 21 )


T: OK. So now I have a question for you. Does Jack have a brother? Why?

Now you can first discuss with your friends. 请你和你的朋友讨论讨论这个问题,用英语说说为什么。

T: OK. I think we have two different answers. (PPT 22 )

A1: Yes, he does. Because his mum says Jimmy is also her child. Jimmy is a cute dog and he’s one year younger than Jack. (中文)

A2: No, he doesn’t. Because Jimmy is a dog. Dog can’t be Jimmy’s brother. (中文)

9.T: And I have one more question for you. (PPT 23 出年龄问题和原因)

10. T: Well, so after she gets home, she tells Su Yang about Jack like this. (PPT 24显示P7填空) Can you read and complete the sentences?

T: OK, now let’s check the answer together. (显示正确答案)

11. T: Do you get the same answer? Good! Now let’s listen and repeat. PPT 25-28 )

12. T: Now read and text in your groups and then try to act.

三、 巩固复习

T: 在我们今天的学习中,我们一起初步了解的形容词的比较级及其用法,下面我们一起来回顾一下。(结合PPT29-31简单回顾小结)

结束语:OK. Today we know more about Jack, Su Hai and Su Yang. 今天我们通过对Su Hai,Su Yang和Jack的对话学习了形容词的比较级,在后面的几课中我们还将进行更系统全面的学习,请你在课后反复听读课文并预习其他内容。See you next time, bye.






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