


只有坚持科学合理的计划,我们教师一定能够在教书育人的同时不疏忽对自己的提升,真正做到寓教于乐。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了苏教牛津版六年级英语unit1教学计划范文希望能对大家有帮助。



1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 tall, taller, light, lighter, heavy, heavier

2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型:Who’s taller/older/younger/longer … than…?

Whose …is bigger/smaller/fatter/…?




1. (PPT1)T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Do you remember what we learnt last time? 上节课我们一起学习了课文,知道了很多有关Su Hai, Su Yang以及Jack的情况,首先我们一起来回顾一下他们的对话吧!

(播放课文动画 PPT 2)

2. T: Now Jack is talking about Su Yang and Su Hai. Can you complete his words? (PPT 3显示Ben话语)

T: And Su Hai is talking about Jack, too. Can you complete her words?

(PPT 4显示Su Hai话语)

T: 下面有一位同学说出了她的答案,你也可以参考参考。


二、Part B、D

1. T: Good! And now Ben is looking at Su Hai’s family photo. He wants to know more. Let’s have a look at the photo. ( PPT5显示photo) These four are Su Hai’s mother, father, aunt and uncle. Let’s listen to the conversation about this photo.


2.T: Now can you answer me some questions? (PPT 6显示问题 )

Q1: Is this photo new? Yes, it’s a new photo.

Q2: Who’s the man in black? He is Su Hai’s uncle.

T: Now listen to the conversation again and this time, try to complete these sentences on Page 10. (再次播放D部分录音)

3. T: Now have you got the answer? Let’s check the answer together. (逐句显示答案 PPT 7-8)

4.T: 你都答对了吗?Here we meet some more comparative degree adjectives. 在这个练习中,我们遇到了以下形容词比较级。他们是:old, older young, younger, tall, taller and strong, stronger. 请跟读。(单词卡片带读)

5. T: OK. Now can you read these words by yourselves now? 现在你能来读一读这些词语吗?

T: Now let’s try to use these words. (PPT9) Look, there’s an elephant, a rabbit, a monkey and a giraffe. Choose the right words and complete the sentences

longer, shorter, bigger, smaller,

fatter, thinner, heavier, lighter

(PPT 9 ) The elephant’s nose is than the giraffe’s. (longer)

(PPT10) The elephant is than the rabbit.

( heavier, fatter, bigger)

(PPT11) The monkey is than the elephant.

( smaller, thinner, lighter, shorter)

6.T: OK. Now let’s review all the words we learnt. ( 单词卡带读 )

7. T: 通过刚才的学习我们知道了……(PPT 12-15 解释形容词比较级)


1.T: OK. You all did a good job! Now look at these boys and girls. They are talking about something. Please read their dialogues.( PPT16第一幅图) Now we know they are talking about who is taller. And this one, (第二幅图) What are they talking about? Guess! (显示对话) Are you right? They are talking about whose bag is heavier.

2. T: (PPT 17)OK. Now please talk with your partner. Use the dialogues as the model. And you may use the sentences like them. (读例句)



3. T: OK. You can try to make dialogues like this, too. 你也来试试吧!

4.T: Well done! Now let’s practice. ( PPT18 ) Look at these people, some of them are … Some of them are … You may compare them and make dialogues.


5.T: Good, and now look at their things. Compare their thing and go on making dialogues. (显示参考句)







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