五年级英语Unit 6 Holidays教学计划范文:沪教版



聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供的五年级英语Unit 6 Holidays教学计划范文

一、英语教学内容:6A 《Unit 6》Part D,E,G


1. 复习本单元的A部分对话、B部分节日名称及习俗、C部分句型。

2. 能正确描述各个节日的习俗,了解不同地方的不同风土人情。

3. 能正确认读字母组合oo在单词中的不同发音。

4. 通过听、说、读、写等多方面的训练,培养学生的英语素养,提高学生的综合运用能力。


1. 了解各个国家不同的节日及习俗,能简要地描述各个节日的特点。

2. 学生综合运用能力的培养。


1. 能简要描述各个节日的特点。

2. 字母组合oo的正确发音。



Step 1 Revision

1.Free Talk. Teacher asks some questions:

What day/date is it ?

What’s your favourite holiday?

When’s …?

What do people usually do at/on …?

Did you … last …?

2.Revise Part A.

Way:(1)T: Just now we talked about holidays. Mr Green talked to his students about holidays, too. He asked his students some questions. Do you remember them?


(2)T: Can you help his students to answer the questions?



3.Revise Part B and Part C.

Way:(1)Play a game : Listen to the songs or sounds, then guess the names of the holidays.


When’s …?

What do people usually do at/on …?

Did you … at/on …?

(2)游戏的最后一个为Christmas和New Year’s Day, 学生猜出后,用上列句型两两问答,并表演。

Step 2 Listen and number

1. T: Christmas is an important holiday in western. Easter is also very important. Danny had a wonderful Easter holiday. He wrote a letter to Mike. Now Mike is reading the letter to his mum.


由图片引出:catch grasshoppers, have lunch under a big tree, Teach the phrases.

2. Listen to the tape and number the sentences.

3. Check the answers.

4. Teacher gives some other questions, let ss listen and answer:

When and where did they meet?

When did they go back home?

Step 3 Listen and repeat

1. Teach ‘oo/u:/’

Way:(1)T: Mike got a letter from Danny. Some days later, he wrote a letter to Danny. Now let’s read the letter.

由信中引出单词afternoon, balloon, cartoon, room.请学生读单词并总结:


(2):呈现句子Come to my room this afternoon. We’ll play with balloons and watch cartoons. 生读句子。

2.Teach ‘oo/u/’

Way:(1)呈现单词book, cook, good, classroom,请学生读单词,并总结:oo/u/.

(2)出示句子The ______ is reading a ________ _______ in the _________.让学生将上面的四个单词填入句中,使句子通顺。

Step 4 Read and write

1.总结复习Holidays in world.

Way:(1)出示Mike的信,师问:From the letter, we know that Mike was very happy that day. He had no lessons but a party. Do you know why?

由此引出Children’s Day, 师生共同总结:It’s on the first of June. Children usually have parties at school.

(2)出示New Year’s Day 和 National Day的介绍,请学生猜出节日名称。

2.总结复习Holidays in China.

Way:(1)T: There are also some holidays in China.


(2) Check the answers, then teach: popular.

3.总结复习:Holidays in Western

Way:(1) 多媒体呈现一些key words,让学生猜出节日名称。

(2) 让学生挑选其中的一个,写一段简短的介绍。

(3) 请几位同学上台读一读自己写的节日简介。

Step 5 Homework

Write a small speech: My favourite holiday.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的五年级英语Unit 6 Holidays教学计划范文,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!


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