学习是一个循序渐进的过程,也是一个不断积累不断创新的过程。下面小编为大家整理了一年级英语Unit 4 Postman and policeman教学计划范文,欢迎大家参考阅读!
1、能正确掌握句型He is a ……Is he a ……?
2、能正确掌握表示职业类的单词:policeman, postman, fireman, milkman, driver.
1、能正确掌握句型He is a ……Is he a ……?
2、能正确掌握表示职业类的单词:policeman postman fireman milkman driver
Step1 Revision
1.Play a game: listen and do the action
T: Follow me. Turn left.
S: Turn left.
T: Turn right.
S: Turn right.
2.T show the sentences, 学生认读。
3. Pair work
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: Can you guess who am I ? (do the action 敬礼)
S: Policeman.
T: I'm a policeman. (show out the picture card)
Read “policeman” for several times
Ss read one by one.
2. T: He is a policeman.
S: He is a policeman.
3. T: Is he a policeman?(拿出postman图片)
S: No.
T: He is a postman.
Ss read the word.
S: He is a postman.
学生尽量多说。(指着policeman postman图片)
T: Is he a postman?/ Is he a policeman?
S: Yes./ No.
4. Pair work: Is he a postman?/ Is he a policeman?
5.T show a picture: fireman
T: Is he a policeman?
S: No.
T: He is a driver.
Ss read it one by one.
6.同法教学单词milkman, driver,结合句型:He is a ________. Is he a ________?
7.Read tighter.
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Llisten to the tape and read (pointing)
2.Play a game:
规则: 请一个同学上前表演,其他学生猜一猜“Is he a ______?”
Step4 Homework
Read the new words and sentences fluently.
这篇一年级英语Unit 4 Postman and policeman教学计划范文就为大家分享到这里了。希望对大家有所帮助!
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