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小学湘少版六年级英语上学期Unit1 Period2教案模板



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Period 2

Teaching targets.

1) Consolidate these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing

2)Can master these sentences: be doing sth

2.The targets of emotion:

To love the living surrounding. w

Main points :The new words and sentences.

Difficult point: Can describe the other ?s actions.retell the story Teaching Process:

Step 1 Warming up


Learn to sing a song

Use the cards to go over the new dialogue

Game—Quick response

Retell the story

Step2 Presentation and drill

1.T :Let‘s listen and repeat the story together

Show the new words ,requires the pupils to read ,go over the words. Step3 Practice

1) Show the pictures

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves

2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading

3)Listen and imitation

Step4 Consolidation

1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out

A: Sports meeting ,the children are watching the athelets.They‘re talking about the sports .


3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words No

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的六年级英语上学期Unit1 Period2教案模板,希望对大家有所帮助。


外研社六年级英语上册《Chinatown in America》教案格式

六年级英语上册MODULE1 Unit2教案模板(外研社)


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