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d. Danger !

What does this sign mean? It means danger.

e. eat and drink ---- eating and drinking ---- No eating and drinking

What does this sign mean? It means no eating and drinking. It means you shouldn’t eat and drink.

f. keep off the grass

What does this sign mean? It means keep off the grass. It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass.

g. keep quiet

What does this sign mean? It means keep quiet. It means you should keep quiet. It means you shouldn’t make noise. It means you shouldn’t talk.

h. Do not touch.

What does this sign mean? It means do not touch. It means you shouldn’t touch it.

Step 4. Practice

Ask and answer : What does this sign mean ? It means….

Step 5. Open the books , talk about Part B.

Step 6. Homework:



Copy the new words:

public, sign, smoke, litter, park, cycle, danger, keep off, grass, quiet 家作:

Copy the new phrases:

No smoking, No littering, No parking, No cycling, Danger, No eating and drinking, keep off the grass, keep quiet, do not touch


Unit 1 Public signs

What does this sign mean?    It means…   It means you shouldn’t…

No smoking! No littering!  No parking!

No cycling! Danger!  No eating and drinking!

Keep off the grass! Keep quiet! Do not touch!

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的六年级上册英语Unit1第一课时教案设计,希望对大家有所帮助。


人教新起点六年级上学期英语Unit5 lesson6教案怎么写

小学人教新起点六年级英语上学期Unit5 lesson5教案封面


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