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闵教版英语六年级下学期Unit2教案模板:Helping Each Other




闵教版英语六年级下学期Unit2教案模板:Helping Each Other

I.Teaching aims and demands :

To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly:

Broke, classmate, better, worried, lesson, worry.

To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:

I’m worried about my lesson.

Don't worry. I can help you with your math.

II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards

III.Teaching steps :

Step 1 Warm-up/ Review

How are you? Where were you in the winter vacation?

How was the weather there?

What did you do there?

Sing a song “ The More We Get Together”

T:Your friends are my friends. My friends are your friends. We must help each other. Today we are going to learn Lesson 3.

Step 2 Learn to say

Today we are going to learn Lesson3. Lesson---my lessons, his lessons, her lessons.

1.T: My math is poor. Who can help me with my math?

Learn to say: Don’t worry. I can help you with your math/ English/Chinese.

2.break-broke: Wang Tao broke his leg.

Class, classroom, classmate: You are in class…/ You are in class…, too. You are in the same class. So you’re classmates.

3.How are you today? I’m much better.

4.worried—worried about: I’m worried about my…

Step 3 Practice

Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher

Divide the Ss into two groups to act out the two dialogs

Ask two Ss to act out the dialogs for some times .

Finish the exercise of Fill in the chart on page 12.

Step 4 Look and say

Listen to the tape & look at the English books and point to the pictures.

Listen to the tape again & repeat.

Step 5 Ask and answer

Play a game “ I say you guess”: I like singing and dancing. What’s my favorite subject?

I like numbe

rs. What’s my favorite subject?

I like ABC. What’s my favorite subject?

I like running and jumping. What’s my favorite subject?...

Step 6 Homework

Listen to the tape & repeat for some times .

Finish off the activity book of this Lesson .

以上是威廉希尔app 为老师们提供的闵教版英语六年级下学期Unit2教案模板相关资料教案参考资料,更多参考尽在威廉希尔app !


六年级英语教案范文:Review and check  

苏教牛津版英语六年级下学期Unit4教案模板:Review and check  


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