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苏教牛津版英语六年级下学期Unit5教案模板:the seasons



国际上的资料绝大部分是用英语发表的。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了苏教牛津版英语六年级下学期Unit5教案模板希望能对大家有所帮助。

苏教牛津版英语六年级下学期Unit5教案模板:the seasons






  Date of Teaching


  Teaching Aids





  Tape recorder


  教学目标 Teaching Targets


  Teaching Contents


  Functional Targets


  Language Targets


  Emotional Targets

  3B M3U3

  Period 5

  Say and act

  1. Using imperatives to give instructions.

  2. Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out a person’s identity.

  3. Using nouns to identity people.

  Basic aims:


  Look at the photo.

  Who is he?

  What season is it?

  Do you like Spring?

  Further aims: Using predicative adjectives to describe conditions.


  教学过程Teaching Procedure

  Pre-task Activities

  Step 1 Questions:1.What day is today?

  2.What’s the weather like?

  3.Where’s my book?

  4.Take my pen,Kitty.

  Step 2 Listening comprehension.

  Step 3 Review. 1. Show students pictures of four seasons. Ask and answer

  (1)What can you see in spring/summer/autumn/winter?

  (2)Is it hot / cold / warm / cool?

  (3)Is it wet / dry?

  (4)It is hot. We can see shells. What season is it?

  (5)Do you like spring?

  (6)Which season do you like best? Why

  2. Invite students to say the rhyme: Four seasons

  While-task Activities

  Step 1 Look at the picture and listen to the tape.

  Step 2 Talk about the season Ask : Do you like …(season)?

  Play the dialogue on the cassette while students follow in their books. Students content through listening.

  Play the dialogue in four parts. Students follow the tape and repeat.

  Encourage students to say : In spring / summer / autumn / winter, it’s…/ We can see…

  Step 3 Show a photograph and say: Look at the photograph. To elicit : Who is he/she. Then answer: He’s my…/She’s my

  Take out student’s photograph and introduce the person in the photograph.

  Students work in pairs. Ask and answer. …

  Step 4 Divide students in pairs. Ask them to act out the dialogue.

  Post-task Activities

  Step 1 Listen to the tape and read dialogue.

  Step 2 According to the dialogue make new ones. eg: S1: Look at this photograph. Who is she?

  S2: She’s my big sister, Rose.

  S1: What season is it?

  S2: It is summer. It’s hot. The sun is shining. Rose has her blue sunglasses.

  S2: She has a nice dress. It is pink.

  S1: I like summer. It’s hot. I like swimming. I like ice-creams. Do you like summer?

  S2: No, I don’t like it. I like autumn. I like kites. It is not hot. It is cool.

  S1: But in autumn it is dry. The leaves fall. S2: Yes, it i

  Step 3 Students write the correct words in the blanks provided.

  Step 4 Students exchange their work and check answers.

  板书设计Blackboard Writing

  Look at this photo.

  Who is he?

  What season is it?

  Do you like spring?

  课后作业 Assignments

  课后反思 Reconsideration

  1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.

  2.Act out the dialogue.

以上是威廉希尔app 为老师们提供的苏教牛津版英语六年级下学期Unit5教案模板相关资料教案参考资料,更多参考尽在威廉希尔app !


六年级英语教案范文:Review and check  

苏教牛津版英语六年级下学期Unit4教案模板:Review and check  


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