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The 6th period

Teaching Aims:

1. The students can sing the song.

2. The students like to learn English.

3. The students can write some sentences.

Teaching Emphasis:

1.How to understand the song and sing it.

2.How to make sentences.

Teaching Difficulty

1. How to sing the song.

2. How to make sentences.

Teaching process:


Review the story about the school sport.

T: Have the children try to tell the story.

S: Try to tell the story.


Sing the song

T: Have the children open their books at page 36 and look at the pictures. Ask the children to describe what the children are doing in the pictures.

S: Open the books and look at the pictures.

T: Have the children read the lyrics first by themselves.

S: Read the lyrics and try to understand the meaning.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen carefully.

S: Listen to the tape.

T: Play the tape again and have the children try to sing the first paragraph.

S: Listen to the tape and try to sing the song.

T: Play the song from the beginning and have the children sing along.

S: Listen to the tape and sing the song.



T: Tell the children to look at the picture on the page. Ask them to say the position of each runner in the race. Have them make two sentences.

S: Look at the picture and write the sentences.

T: Explain to the children that in the second activity they need to write out 3 things they did last Sunday.

S: Read the example and then write sentences.



T: Have the children do exercise in group work.

S: Try to do it.


Sing the song to their parents.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的五年级英语上册Unit3第六课时教案怎么写,希望对大家有所帮助。





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