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The 1st period

Teaching Aims:

1. The students can read the story.

2. The students like to learn English.

3. The students can be listening the story.

Teaching Emphasis:

1. How to read the story and understand the story.

Teaching Difficulty

1. How to read the story.

2. How to understand the story.

Teaching process:


Review all the verbs learned so far.

T: Have the children look at the TV about the past words.

S: Look at the TV and remember the words.

T: Have the children look at the flashcards for Unit1 and 2.

S: Look at the flashcards.


Set the scene

T: Ask the children to talk about the sports day they had this year.

S: Try to talk about the sports.

T: Present the words race, won a prize, first, second, third. Ask one student:

Did you run?

S: Answer the question. Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

T: Have the children read the sentences after the teacher.

S: Read the sentences after the teacher.


Get prepared

T: Tell the children they are going to read about the sports day at Ken and Ann’s school. Have them open the books and read the story first. Then ask them to say what the story is about.

S: Open the books and try to read the story and try to talk about the story.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen to the tape.

S: Listen to the tape.

T: Play the tape again and have the children read after the tape.

S: Listen and repeat.


Tell the story

T: Have the children pay attention to the text at the bottom of the pages. Explain that the text tells more about the story. Have the children read the story.

S: Try to read the story by themselves.

T: Have the children try to talk about the story.

S: Try to talk about the story.

T: Have the children look at the picture and tell the story to them.

S: Look at the picture and listen.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen to the tape.

S: Listen to the tape.

T: Play the tape again and ask some questions.

What do you think Ken is going to do?

Do you think Ken is running well?

Did Ken win the race?

Did Ann win the race?

Is Mocky look happy?

Did Mocky win a prize?

S: Try to answer the questions.

T: Have the children talk about the sports day.

S: Try to talk about.


Copy the new words four times.


以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的五年级上学期英语Unit3第一课时教案设计,希望对大家有所帮助。


小学五年级上册英语Unit3 第三课时教案怎么写(五教版)

苏教版五年级上学期英语Unit3 第二课时教案封面


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