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湘少版五年级英语上册Unit2 Period2教案范文



教案都必须要对每个课题或每个课时的各个内容经过周密考虑,精心设计而确定下来,体现着很强的计划性。下面是为大家收集的五年级英语上册Unit2 Period2教案范文,供大家参考。

Period 2

Step 1. Revision

1. Greetings.

Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today?

2. Go over the words and sentences in part A and B.

Step 2.Presetation

1. Show some cards of food and fruits and ask Ss look and say out the words quickly. Make sentences according to the pictures giving. Can use the sentences learnt last class.

Learn to say the sentence pattern:

Do you have any drink/fruit cards?

Yes, I have. / No, I don’t.

Step 3. Practice:

1. Draw and make the cards.

Play the cards game.

Ask and find the cards, which can collect the whole cards of one thing, who can win the game.

3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.

4. Check up the result.

Step 4. Exercise

1. Remember the words.

2. Read Part A after class.

Period 3

Step 1. Greetings and Revision

T: Class begins.

S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.

T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.

S: Thank you!


1. Words: feel hungry /cold drink /bun /buy /water /soup /vegetables /breakfast /lunch /pepper /salt /forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow

2. Sentences: I’d like some cakes/buns/…. Would you like …?

I’m hungry, I’d like ….

3. Understand the text of part D.

4. Lead the students to finish the exercise in part E and F..

Step 2. Presentation.

1. Learn Part D: ask Ss the text by themselves, find out the new words and sentences. Ask student to explain the meaning of the text.

Finish the exercises.

Step 3. Drills

1. Read Part D after the teacher.

2. Prates by themselves.

3. Look at the pictures and finish part F.

Step 4. Exercises

1.Do the exercises book’s Part C and part D

Try their best to recite A and B.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的五年级英语上册Unit2 Period2教案范文,希望对大家有所帮助。


五年级上学期英语Unit1 Period2教案模板(湘少版)

湘少版五年级上学期英语Unit1 Period1教案设计


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