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Step 2 Presentation and pratice

1 T: Is there a garden in the school?

S: Yes, there is.

T: Is it big?

S: No, it isn‘t.

T: It’s a small one, but there are a lot of flowers and trees in it.

Are there any swings/slides in the garden?

S: ...

T: There is a garden near my house.  教单词house

2 T: Do you want to know more about the garden?

Let the students ask questions about the garden.


T:Shall we go and play there?

Step 3 Listen, read and act

1 播放多媒体课件,跟读对话。

2 分角色朗读。

3 小组操练。

4 请三组学生上前表演。

Step 4 Presentation

1 T: I‘m hungry. Look there is a snack bar near the garden. Shall we go there?

2 出示E部分图片。

T:What’s on the table? 板书table

S: There‘s a plate. There are some cakes and the grapes.

板书plate, cake, grape

T: The cakes and the grapes are on the plate.

3 Read the words and the sentences after the tape recorder.

4 Read them group by group.

5 Crazy English.



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