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人教版五年级英语上册Unit5 lesson2教案模板



Step Three:Practise

1、Let’s have a competition: Guess the words.(猜一猜)

Show six envelopes(Each envelope has one word), look at the first letter of the card,then let

them guess what word it is.

2、Let’s play a game: Find out the target.(找一找)

First, Ask one student to stand back to all the students. put a word card into a student’s drawer.Then,all the students say the word,once the student close to the card,they must shout this word,if he is far from it,the sound is small.

3、Let’s listen and do“Show me your~~!”(秀一秀)

①Teacher say the words,students should show their schoolthings as quickly   as possible.

②Let chant“Show me your~~!”after the rhyme.

Step Four:Expand

1、Group work.

Example: Let them close eyes,pick some schoolthings of theirs into my bag.            T:  Is this your ~ ?

S1:  No,it isn’t.

T:  Whose ~ is this?

S2:  It’s mine.

T:  Here you are.

Ask two students to practise like this with the rest things in the bag.

All the students practice it.Then ask three groups to act it out.

2、Let’s chant.

Show them a science book,a story book and a picture book,teach these three words,then listen to the chant.Pay attention the pronounciation /S/.


Sue likes science books,

Sam likes storybooks.

Susan likes picture books.

They all like books.

Say the chant after music.

Try to make up a new one, ask two groups to chant in the front.

3、Listen and match.

Play the CAI, finish the listening exercise in class.

Step Five:Consolidation

1、Consolidate the words and sentences of this class.

2、Teach the saying:Book is the ladder of human progress.(书是人类进步的阶梯。---高尔基)

Tasks at home:

Write the new words and sentences.

Collet the sayings about books.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的五年级英语上册Unit5 lesson2教案模板,希望对大家有所帮助。


人教版五年级第一学期英语Unit4 lesson5教案

五年级上学期英语Unit4 lesson4教案(人教版)


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