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Unit4教案检查总结: An English friend




Unit4教案检查总结: An English friend

Teaching aims and demands

1.grammer: What does he/she usually do...? He/she usually ...

2.日常交际用语:I’m busy. We‘re the same age.

Teaching emphacis:


Teaching difficulties:

Understand the text well.

Teaching tools:

Blackboard , tape, picture.

Teaching courses

Step 1.Greeting.

T:Good morning, boys and girls.

T:Thank you. Sit down, please.

S:Good morning.

Step 2:Revision

2. Free talk.

What’s your name?

How old are you?

Who‘s that boy?

What’s the date today?

What do you like?

What‘s that on the desk?

Where’s my pencil?

2 .recite the text.

3. Dictate some simple sentences.

I like ....

There‘s/ There are.....

recite the text.

Dictate some simple sentences.

Practise daily talking and improve their oral speaking.

Step 3. Presentation.

1.T: Does she like dance?

2.T: What does she usually do?

Give Ss some time to think over, make a dialogue like that.

3. Key to the pictures.

Ss: she usually sing.

Learn the new lesson by asking and answering.

Step 4. Practice

1.Make sentences with the phrase: the same age, be busy

Review the song together .

3. Exercise

Ss practice .

Ss sing together.

Ss do some exercise

To stimulate Ss’ interests of learning English.

Step 5. Homework.

3. Copy

4. Recite

Finish the workbook

以上是Unit4教案检查总结,更多信息,请关注威廉希尔app !



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