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五年级英语Unit4教案设计:An English friend



写好教案是保证教学取得成功、提高教学质量的基本条件。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了五年级英语Unit4教案设计希望能对大家有所帮助。

五年级英语Unit4教案设计:An English friend


1. Four skills: fast, high, Does he/she…? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

2. Three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly


1. Require the Ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain situation


1. Four skills: fast, high, Does he/she…? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

2. Three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly


1. Require the Ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain situation


1. 单词卡片。

2. 录音机和磁带。


Step1 :

1. Sing a song. ”Hobbies”

2. Free talk (因为本节课要谈论的是关于经常会做的事, 所以整个话题都围绕着Do you like … ? Does he /she like …. ?之类的来讨论)

T: Do you have any hobbies?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Do you like collecting stamps?

S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T:(对作否定回答的同学问)What’s your hobby?

S: I like … .

3. T: Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs.


1、 学习 speak loudly

师带领学生唱歌,一半时示意学生停下要求sing loudly然后继续大声唱完。

显示sing loudly 读 loud loudly (两调) 开火车说读准后

T: Does he speak loudly?帮助回答:Yes, he/ she does .No, he/ she doesn't


显示speak loudly 要求学生read loudly.相机询问 Does she /he read loudly?

2、 学习 dance beautifully

显示图:What is she doing ? She is dancing. She is dancing beautifully.

读:beautifully (两调)开火车读

T: Let's dance. Dance beautifully.(边跳边说,重复)请个别学生跳

相机T:Does she/he dance beautifully?

S: Yes, he/ she does .No, he/ she doesn't

出示板书:Does he/ she/ ……?

Yes, he/ she/ does . No, he/ she/ doesn't

指图::Does she/he dance beautifully?

S: Yes, he/ she does .(同桌操练,抽4组练习)

T: Let's dance. Dance beautifully. Speak speak loudly.

3、 学习 run fast

显示图:Who are they? What are they doing? Who runs fast? Who runs slowly?

The rabbit runs fast. 学说fast (两调) 请学生当老师教大家读。口拼单词

T: ( 做兔子样)Does it run fast? 出示 it.

指名两两说。指乌龟 Does it run fast?

T: Let's dance dance beautifully. Speak speak loudly. Run run fast.

4、 学习jump high

接上小兔子jump high 学说high(两调)

请学生jump high 后请一男生和一女生比 Who jumps high? Who jumps low?

T: Does he jump high? S: S1-S2-……

T: Each group ask and answer one by one.后检查一排。口拼单词

T: Let's dance dance beautifully. Speak speak loudly. Run run fast. Jump jump high

5、 学习sit quietly

接上示意学生silence, you are sitting quietly 反复说学生听清后跟读。(两调)

同桌对读 T: Does he sit quietly? 后全班问个别 一排

T: Do you sit quietly? Do they sit quietly?

T: Now please stand up quietly. Sit down quietly Sleep quietly

6、 学习 walk carefully

请学生在长凳上走,引入, T: She is walking carefully. It's very danger. Or she'll fall down. 听懂后学说 出示图 Does she walk carefully? 个别问全班答。

T: Let's dance dance beautifully. Speak speak loudly. Run run fast. Jump jump high,sit sit quietly ,walk walk carefully

7、 listen and repeat

8、 介绍动词和副词

9、 read and match.

10、 出示图片改编歌词


1、Look and say

2、 T: this class we've learned six phrases and these sentences constructions. Let's talk about "I have a new friend. 师显示句型及示范,学生准备 交流 表扬。


1、 Copy

2、 Talk about your new friend with your parents.


Unit 4 An English friend (B&C) Date

jump high run fast speak loudly

walk carefully sit quietly dance carefully

A: Does …?

B:Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.


以上是五年级英语Unit4教案设计,更多信息,请关注威廉希尔app !



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