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冀教版小学五年级英语教案 Li Ming Goes Home



教学规划可以帮助教师理清教学思路,提高课堂效率。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的冀教版小学五年级英语教案,希望能帮助到老师的教学工作!


1、知识与技能:This lesson teaches students regular past—tense verbs、 walked、looked、talked、played .

2、过程与方法:They can say and understand the common phrases. “Did you miss me? Did you have a good trip?” Answer

3、情感态度价值观:They can express their feeling and try to speak more.

二.教学重难点:Regular past-tense verbs :walked 、looked 、talked

三.教具学具:Tape recorder and tape pictures CAI


教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图

Class opening.

Review. Greeting .

Lead them do the games:

1、What `s missing?

2、What day is it ?

Q: What day was yesterday? Greeting .

Review the words about weeks、months and ordinals .

A: It was -------. 通过复习及问候让学生对已学词汇进行回顾,创造良好的语言环境。

New concepts. Make a chart on the blackboard as show below.

Make up sentences as act out .Try to make them under stand .(Make models)

Do the game :Travel.

Play the audiotape .(Part 1)

Review the story so far. Li Ming Danny and Jenny went on a trip to Beijing where are they now?

Divide the class into small groups.

Encourage every one.

Do the listening exercise.

Check for under standing. Today yesterday

play played

walk walked

talk talked

look looked

Have a try. Make a sentence with right verb tense。

Do the game.

Listen and read.

(Ask questions.)

Play attention to the new word

“gift”. and sentences.

Did you miss me?

Did you have a good trip?

It’s for you.

Practice by them selves.

Make up a dialogue about coming home from a trip.

Write what you hear.

Use the activity book. 通过肢体语言及详细的表格让学生体会动词过去时的变化情况.给学生创新的机会,充分展示个人才华,不拘泥于仅限词汇.



Class closing.

Home work Finish the homework.

以上是冀教版小学五年级英语教案,更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app !





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